Inquiring into the Spanish Pt. 1

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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid
July 2nd 2011
Published: July 4th 2011
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Well Madrid was not as interesting as most of the other places we have been too, purely because we didn't really see too much touristy stuff in Madrid. this may have been because we only had two full days in the city and probably because it was just nice to take a break and not be on the go 24/7.

We arrived at the Barrajas Airport in Madrid at around 9:30am local time and headed straight for our shuttle bus which would take us to the hotel. Little did we know this was going to cost us in excess of €60 for a 15 minute ride!!! Once we got to the hotel, we were too early to check in but the reception but the receptionist was nice enough to let us check in anyway. After gawking over how amazing our room was for the same price as the dog box where we stayed in Portugal, we headed on what should have been a quick 20 minute walk to the town center of Torrejon de Ardoz, where we were staying. 45 minutes later, due to a Spaniard at the servo telling us to "go up the road, over the train line,
Spanish Dean Koontz NovelSpanish Dean Koontz NovelSpanish Dean Koontz Novel

There ya go mum!!!
through the garden and up the street and under the tunnel". This would have been fine if it didn't: a) lead us to a random restaurant in a back street and. b) not lead to the city center!!! The restaurant owner then fed us and told us to go up another street and under the tunnel, except this guy went all out!! He rang his friend because he didn't speak english, gave the phone to me and I told him where we wanted to go. His phone friend then relayed this message back to the restaurant owner and that was turned into a map for us to follow. Amazing!! It was only that afternoon on the walk back that we realised, that we could have walked up our street, down another street and OVER the bridge and that was it!!! After another day of getting lost which we have become quite good at, we headed to the pool in our hotel and then to the buffet dinner for an all you can eat feast!!!

The next morning we woke up and decided that we would go and see the famous El Rasta Flea Markets. We were a little late as we had an unexpected but awesome Skype session with Jack but we managed to arrive in the city by around 12pm. We then got lost once again due to google maps giving us the wrong station. At the end of this ordeal we ended up at the markets half an hour later and had a good wander around. Due to the Spanish Siesta, many of the stall owners started packing up and leaving at around 1:30pm. So at around this time we headed back to the train and home as I had gotten a little headstroke and felt pretty bad!
We then did a bit of washing and strung a clotheslines across our room. I had a nap while Sarah planned our next day in Madrid.

The next morning we took advantage of our free breakfast buffet and then took off to Madrid once again. This time we were a little earlier into the city, and managed to see the Puerta de Sol (one of the main squares in Madrid, the Shopping district in Gran Via and also had lunch in the tourist hub of Madrid (Avenada de Santa Ana)
After a long day of seeing the sights of Madrid, which wasn't really that much to be honest, we headed back to the hotel to do some more washing and get ready to board our flight to Barcelona the next morning.

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