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October 2nd 2008
Published: October 8th 2008
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Today, I had to work all day since I took yesterday off, but it was so hard getting up! When I made it to work, all the other “practicas” (interns) were new people. After breakfast, I learned how to “sifonar” which is kind of like vacuuming, this one tank. But there’s this eel that is very aggressive! Anytime my brush or suction bottle anywhere near his hole, he could come out and attack it…that’s what I was afraid would happen to me in that other tank the other day! Later, I went to lunch at the cafeteria and then after I got to dive in a different tank with one of the other workers, Aurora. It was pretty cool, a lot of pretty fish everywhere…and nothing dangerous, but there was this one fish that did not like me cleaning “his” rock! He kept attacking me and dive-bombing my brush…luckily I couldn’t feel anything. Right after work, I took the Metro to the Plaza de Toros de las Ventas to buy tickets for tomorrow, but the ticket office was already closed. So I just got back on the Metro and headed home. At home I just relaxed and made a calendar of the rest of my time here…I am so busy! I have something planned every single day! It’s exciting but I also feel rushed, but I know this month is going to fly by, and then I can see my family and Ray and friends. I’m excited.


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