Haven´t seen any bullfights, but there´s some great shopping :)

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Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona
April 20th 2005
Published: April 20th 2005
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Hello all, I´ve just realized that in the time since I wrote my last entry, I´ve been in 4 citiestownstiny tiny villages. Some only for a day trip, course. Let´s see.....since I left Lagos, I went to Faro and stayed there for 2 nights until I caught the bus to Sevilla on Monday. I also did a day trip to Tavira while in Faro. Right now, I´ve just made it to Barcelona and am waiting to see if a bed becomes available at the nearby hostel.
Faro was pretty quiet, it seems to be mostly a transport hub for the rest of the Algarve region. Met yet another American guy named Jamie, from Seattle. We´ve ended up taking the bus and also the train together lately. Sevilla was really really nice. It rained the first afternoon there, just as I was walking up the 35 or so flights of stairs to the top of the famous cathedral there. So much for the great view. This same church also has Christopher Colombus´ tomb, so it wasn´t a complete waste 😊 The second day there, I went to the Plaza de España, which is this massive governmental place covered in tile. Very nice-looking, but I´m not sure why the women there were trying really hard to sell me weedy-looking plants. This is where not speaking Spanish and just looking generally confused comes in really handy. I also went to the Alcazar, which is this really weird MoorishSpanish mishmash of a castle and also has some really nice gardens. It had cats too. That´s the one thing about Spain that´s very different in a good way from Portugal, there´s no stray dogs, dog crap, deadmaimed dogs all over the roads. How do people keep their fancy shoes clean?Anyways, those are my thoughts for now. I´m in Barcelona until the 22nd, and then I head to Nice. TTYL!


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