Day one.

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Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona
January 15th 2010
Published: January 15th 2010
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Kingston to Barcelona

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 Video Playlist:

1: Inspired by Jorge 19 secs

1 additional video(s) currently being processed
First view of Barcelona!First view of Barcelona!First view of Barcelona!

The Mediterranean from the air
After a couple days of frost week, I left Kingston to go on exchange. It feels so surreal after a year of waiting that this is finally happening. After a 4 hour bus ride, I arrived at Pearson airport only to find out that the my plane was delayed...uggh. At least it's better than missing it all together. On a side note, there was definitely a middle aged couple that was slow dancing to no music in the waiting area. 😊 Feeling inspired, I made a video blog, which was filmed during an announcement, so you probably can't actually hear me haha. (Subtitles: I'm in Toronto...blah blah blah...I'm bored and now super awkward looking like I'm talking to myself...blah blah blah)

A couple movies and sporadic naps later, I arrived in foggy Belgium. It was cold, damp, and foggy. Had I even left Kingston? Even having gone across the Atlantic, I still didn't hit me yet that I was even going on exchange. Finally, I got a shuttle bus that took me to a small regional plane that was to take me to my final destination...Barcelona!

Having slept the entire 2 hour ride, I woke up groggily to the
Photo 3Photo 3Photo 3

Slowly arriving in Barcelona
sun! Finally, sunshine!!! I knew I had made the right choice coming to Spain when I saw the Mediterranean and the beaches along the coast. Riding into the city, Barcelona was not what I had in mind.

Old buildings, check. Stores open past 6 pm, check. Lovely old people in a pastry shop who put up with my broken Spanish and manage to understand that I want a meringue, check. I think I'm could get use to this.

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Photo 4Photo 4
Photo 4

BCN airport
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Photo 5

Placa Espanol
Photo 6Photo 6
Photo 6

Building around Placa Catalunya
Photo 7Photo 7
Photo 7

Around Placa Catalunya

15th January 2010

AMZ we love you!!!! your nickname is the best!! skype soon

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