Burgos Cathedral.... and Mandalas

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Burgos
July 5th 2012
Published: July 5th 2012
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I know I SAID I was going to continue chronologically - but I just want to include the pics taken in the Cathedral in Burgos - I couldnt upload while on the road..... The sheer riches inside here are astonishing and such displays are evidence I think of the Catholic Church's 2000 years of hypocritical wealth accumulation .... The craftwork and the artistic abilities , the physical work and the... Read Full Entry

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Photos: 60, Displayed: 21



Messy Messy....Churros and Chocolate

hmmmmm I don't notice anyone FORCING Diane to eat the choc/churros..... hang on - but didnt she say... oh - it doesnt matter :-)

5th July 2012

Wow, those photos are just amazing. We have some beautiful things here in Australia, but i don't know if we have such a rich tapestry as you have seen. We are younger tho!!
6th July 2012

Amazing Photos
They have blown me away, wow, such beauty, i have never seen inside churches like these with soo much detail. I better get back to work, i had to blow each one up to have a better look, so have spent quite some time looking through them. Hope you are well, take care xx
6th July 2012

Wow! Those photos are amazing,I want to go there.

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