Sevilla y la Vida Malagueña

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June 22nd 2007
Published: June 22nd 2007
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Pues, Amigos! Es un buen dia aqui en Malaga hoy. Hace mucho calor pero estoy cerca de la playa entonces no me molesta. It has been another week in Spain and the time is starting to literally fly by. I cant believe I only have 7 more days here! No lie, I miss home a lot but when I think about leaving my precious Spanish family it makes me sad too!!! First I will start with Sevilla. Sevilla was a pretty neat city. We saw another palace with Islamic art and the such which was pretty cool but the main attractions in this city were the Cathedral and the Plaza de España. The Cathedral in Sevilla is the largest in Spain and the third largest in Europe after the Vatican and St. Paul's in London. Indeed, it was gigantic. The enormity of it was astounding. The chapels and the huge stained glass windows were so so so beautiful. It is incredible to me to think about when it was used so much more than it is now and when it was being built, how it was built without modern technology of today- amazing. It has a tower that you can climb up as well and see the entire city of Sevilla- that was way cool. The Plaza de España was absolutely gorgeous as well. There is a huge fountain surrounded by this large circular building with beautiful hand-tiled details. Also, they have a section with every province of Spain and our group took a big old group photo in front of Malaga. Muy guay. The hotel we stayed at here was SO nice and we got to sleep in until almost 10 (I get up every day for school and even weekend past for excursions at 7 or 730 so this was a treat!). We were all very tired though for most of the excursion because I think everything is starting to catch up to us! Pero, está bien. The only thing crazy that happened was last Friday, before we went to Sevilla, we had a beach day and then we ate at a Chiringuito on the beach (a beach restaurant where I had Sardines on a Spit- they were amazingggg, basically whole little Sardines braised with garlic and salt and cooked over a fire) and then we went to go get ice cream, but when I got to the ice cream place I realized I did not have my wallet. Yes, I lost my wallet in Spain. Amazing. Basically everything except my passport was in there and we could not find it anywhere. I had to cancel my debit card and everything and my mom had to overnight me a new one. I got it yesterday, which was great. Today, in class though, someone from the reception desk came and got me and you will not believe it but these two men found my wallet by the beach in the street, looked at my school id card, found me, and brought it all the way to my school to return it to me!! Everything except 20 euros was there! It was absolutely incredible. Needless to say I am a happy girl!! Anyways, que mas? This week has been a week of enjoying life in Malaga. Spending lots of time with my family, time at the beach, time shopping, and taking siestas!! I love the siesta!! My family had a family reunion on Wednesday night- OH MY GOSH it was absolutely one of the best experiences that I have had since being in Spain! I got to meet all the brothers and their wives and an aunt, the parents and a grandparent! it was so much fun. So much good food and Spanish wines. Wonderful. My señor is an incredible cook and I basically eat like a queen, seriously. It is a DARN good thing I walk back and forth to school an hour a day, otherwise I could be in trouble!!! Well, this weekend is a free weekend so we are going to take a day trip to another beach, and then celebrate el dia de San Juan here in Malaga- at midnight, everyone jumps into the ocean and makes three wishes!! way fun huh?? I know there is a lot I am forgetting but my time is short and I need to get home for lunch!!! Espero que seais bien y nos vemos pronto!! Disfruten sus dias!! Adios!


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