Cordoba & Granada

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February 6th 2006
Published: February 7th 2006
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In Cordoba...In Cordoba...In Cordoba...

Arrived in Cordoba and that's the outside of the Mesquita.
First of all, giving a shout out to my dad and Teela who both have their birthdays this week... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wish I could be there! Love you!

So this past weekend, I went on the one free NYU sponsered trip. It was to Cordoba and Granada. We left on Friday, early in the morning for a 5 hour bus ride to Cordoba. We arrived around 1:30 and had lunch. Then we toured the Mezquita(there are pictures). Then we took a quick tour of the Jewish district and a small syanagague(one of the only 3 surviving in Spain). By 5:30 we were back on the bus on the way to Granada. After the 2 hour ride with gorgeous views we arrived at the Hotel Alhamar and got our room keys. Yelena and I shared a room. I was pretty nice. We went out but didn't do anything special, but the best part were the statues we found on the way home(see pictures). Then we went to sleep early because we were tired from the long ride.
We had a wake-up call at 9 to have a breakfast buffet downstairs. Then we went to the Alhambra. There are plenty of pictures of it, but nothing quite explains the size and beauty of this place. It happens to be the most visited place in Spain. Okay so we had free lunch, which was amazing and then took a tour of the Cathedral. After that, we had the night off, so we went shopping and I got some souveniers. That night, because I was missing Teela's party, my friends and I went out to club. Clubbin' really isn't my thing, but it was fun because I was with some good friends.
The next morning we had the breakfast buffet again and toured the Royal Cathedral which is inside the Cathedral(yeah I know, we were there, why didn't we do both at the same time!). This is where Ferninand and Isabella are buried. Then after lunch on our own, we got back on the bus and headed back to Madrid.
See the pictures for more in depth coverage on the weekend.

Additional photos below
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Me in the mesquita...Me in the mesquita...
Me in the mesquita...

History: First built in the 8th century, the mesquita is a mosque. Unlike christian churches, a mosque only consists of a patio, with fountains to cleanse before prayer, and main building with an open space with a direction. The direction (of which to pray) is shown by a main wall towards Mecca.
Getting closer to the directional wall...Getting closer to the directional wall...
Getting closer to the directional wall...

As the arches get more complicated, you can see where renovation was made. It was expanded in the 9th and 10th century by different muslim rulers.
The wall...The wall...
The wall...

So the wall is suppossed to be in the direction of Mecca, but it actually isn't. The historians don't know if this was a mistake or purposely done to face a different city.

So as the christians retake Spain, they change most mosques into churches. The Mesquita is not an exception, but is different. As you can tell they did not tear it down, but instead added things starting in the 16th century even though it was retaken in the 13th century. You can see the christian stories in stone on the top of the muslim arches in this picture. A marriage of cultures(as our guide said).
The Cathedral in the mesquita...The Cathedral in the mesquita...
The Cathedral in the mesquita...

So smack in the middle of this mosque is a cathedral. This is the main alter and you can see in the background the original pillars. This was and still is a contraversy.
Ben MaimonidesBen Maimonides
Ben Maimonides

An important Jewish scholar, it is said it is good luck to rub his foot.
In the synagogue... In the synagogue...
In the synagogue...

This upper part is where the women were to pray...

7th February 2006

Cassie's Blog
my name is Larry Smith living in Mission Viejo,California.I have two degrees in Finance from the University of Long Beach.I am diviorded,66 years of age,golf,walk three times a day for a total of six miles,play golf,fish,travel,worked for Northrop Corporation as a Chief Financial Controller,was in Saudi Araba with my ex-wife and my two God given daughters who finised college,married and my blessings were added when Jennifer my oldest gave birth to two grandchildren.I was raised in Lewistown,Montana,left in 1957 and served my country in the US Navy.I have traveled to Paris,Germany,Greece,Phillipines and Mexico.My visiting your blog was a pleaseure,my e-mail is God Bless all.Larry Smith.
8th February 2006

Cassie - the places you are going are beautiful! If you only remember a fraction, it will still fill a lifetime of memories! Enjoy! Love Mom
13th February 2006

So far this has been my favorite blog. All that you saw and experienced has been mind boggling! Enjoy every moment!

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