got the visa and the train tickets !

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Europe » Slovakia
July 28th 2008
Published: July 28th 2008
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EN: On Friday I went to Bratislava to collect our visa. All went smoothly, they were issued to us. I had some other things to do there, do some shopping, unlock a mobile phone etc. .... so I strolled a lot through the streets. You meet lot of people, some guy asking for some change (for food, of course !), then some smartly dressed young lads, who wanted to talk to me about Jesus (and next step would be they saying that they are the one and only group that follows the right path ).

It was very hot day, and very humid. I needed a pint. I had one in Slovak pub restaurant. Zlaty bazant 12 beer. For 43 SKK/1.40 Euro. Jesus, 3 years ago when I was leaving Bratislava the same would be, at the same place, for some 80cents !

But it did wonders!! When I left the pub, a blond girl approached me, she started a conversation, asking me how am I doing, what I'm doing and where, she was very nice .... erm, yes, she wanted to sell me something. A "pay-monthly" for T-mobile. I knew it, few days ago I experienced something similar. Very strange way how to approach new potential customers.
Then later I met one Irish girl that was working for PayPal in Dublin, too. I do not remember her name, but she gave me a hug in excitement.
The morale of the story is: have some pint, and you will meet nice girls only 😊

PS: we bought the train tickets too, trip is starting tomorrow at 8pm from Kosice to Moscow. About 36 hours, 1800km, 80 euro (I opted for this more "expensive" option in berth compartments 😊

Ok, from tomorrow on we will write probably much less. But we will try to keep this blog updated. At least here and there few words and few pics.
SK: V piatok som isiel do Bratislavy vyzdvihnut viza. Vsetko slo hladko, vydali nam ich. Mal som aj nejake ine vybavovacky, nakupy, odblokovat jeden telefon atd. Takze som sa motal dost po uliciach. Clovek stretne kopec ludi. Nejaky typek co pyta drobne (na jedlo samozrejme), potom nejaki mladi pekne nahodeni, ktori sa chceli bavit o Jezisovi ( a nasledovala by klasika, presviedcanie ze iba oni su ti jedini pravi ktori idu tou spravnou cestou).

Bolo velmi horuco a vlhko. Mal som chut na pivo. Dal som si jedno v Slovak pube. Zlaty bazant 12tka. Za 43Skk/1.40eur. Kurna, pred 3 rokmi ked sme odchadzali z Bratislavy to iste na tom istom mieste sa dalo dat za 80centov 😊

Ale robilo aspon zazraky. Ked som odisiel z pubu, nejaka blondinka ma oslovila, pytala sa ma ako sa mam, v akom som znameni, odkial som ... samozrejme mi chcela nieco predat. Pausal pre T-mobile. Tusil som to, nakolko aj pred par dnami som nieco podobne zazil. Velmi cudny sposob ako ziskavat novych zakaznikov.
Neskor som stretol jednu Irku co tiez robila v PayPal Dublin. Nepamatam si na jej meno, ale ma v tom prekvapeni aj objala 😊
Moralne ponaucenie z pribehu je: daj si pivo, a budes stretat len pekne zeny 😊

PS: kupili sme aj listky na vlak, nasa cesta zacina zajtra o 20hod Kosice - Moskva. Asi 36 hodin, 1800km, 80 euro (som volil tuto "drahsiu" moznost v spacich voznoch)
Ok, takze odzajtra sa uz asi menej budeme ozyvat. Ale pokusime sa sem nieco sem tam napisat, natiahnut par fotiek.


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