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October 25th 2008
Published: October 25th 2008
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so this is my last entry before i go on my little 10 day vacation. i guess 10 days really isnt that short, it just seems like a little vacation because eventhough im studying here, it is kind of a vacation, because afterall it is RUssia.
anyhoo, yesterday i went to the place where lenin lived i think the last 2 years of his life. its called gorky leninskiy, or maybe leninskiy gorky. i dont remember. the fact is, he lived pretty well. well, i mean its not like it really his house to being with. prior to the revolution a very rich lady lived on the estate. there was central heating in the house, she had nice artwork, plumbing and so on. well she left russia but wasnt able to take anything. later on, lenin moved in there. i like how the tour guide never mentioned that he was technically living in a robbed house. he didnt pay for anything, it wasnt even his furniture. i think the only thinkg that was his was a film apparatus so he could watch movies. i guess the predecessor to the vcr. then we saw his rolls royce ( so much for the whole working class thing). he owned on of the 15 rolls royce of this kind. i was expecting something great. im sure it was great until it got into his hands. he had refurbished or shall i say "pimped out" for the young folks reading this blog 😊 he had skiis put to the 2 front wheels and "tank/train" wheels attached to the back tires. he could only use the car in the winter. well lenin never drove it, he was driven. anyhoo, the house was really nice. and in way because lenin lived in it, after he died in the house, nothing was ransacked and everything was preserved, so everything was original which was cool.
but the estate was really nice. trees, meadows etc. i really liked it. it was nice to get some fresh air. there still hasnt been any snow. i dont there will be any, honestly. but now that i have boots, i want some snow to fall. anyhoo, i have to get going because tonight I am leaving for st. petersburg tonight.tootles miss you all. xoxo

yes kez si rumen <3


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