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October 22nd 2008
Published: October 22nd 2008
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guess what? i am writing this blog from my apartment, thats right, my apartment now has the internet!for those of u who dont know, this has been a 2 month process for my host and i. the day i moved into her house, she said the internet guy was coming....well he didnt show up until today! i mean granted natalia borisovna went on vacation and i was gone and then she decided to switch companies, but the point is she has the internet which is pretty cool and im glad i dont have to rely on the univeristy for the internet because its just as bad there, in the sense sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. anywyas, they internet ppl were supposed to come at 6 at 715(big surprise) they ring the bell. actually it was a big surprise cuz i thought for sure they werent going to show up. but they did. they drilled a few holes put some wires somewhere and so on and now im online writing to you fine folks😊 natalia borisovna is great though. she was cracking jokes with them and what not. and then she told the guys (who were my age or a little older) that i was from the America. They both started asking about obama and stuff. then one of them asked if it was true because he had read that chicago has the highest percentage of crime and poor people and slums. i dont know if that is true, i said that there are poor people everywhere and that i am from california. the other guy chimes in that he has an aunt who lives in california but he doesnt know what city. ( did he think i would know her? haha) and the icing on the cake is that they had a lap top with them and were listening to some music while working and they started playing the song"california...knows how to party..." etc by tupac. im glad that is waht california is known for around the world. dont get me wrong, i love me some tupac, but california has some other pretty cool stuff...u know, the golden gate bridge and pretty much anythign in san francisco 😊

anyhoo, that is my internet story.

moving i went to the house museum of the artist Vasnetsov. he is the artist who is known for his paintings of russian fairy tales like alenushka or ivan on the wolf. if u saw the paintings u would know who i am talking about. anyhoo, his house was soo cool. everythign was original because after he died his daughter lived there even during the soviet union and when she dies in the 60's she left it all to be part of the tretikovskaya galleria. his house is like a teremok and his brother was a carpenter so they had extremely beautiful furniture. the buffets and tables are amazing. and then to see where he painted his beuatiful paintings was amazing. and it was really cool because our film teacher took us there and i mean the museum is kind of out of the way and i would neverhave known that it existed if it wasnt for him and our excursion. and our teacher knows a lot about Vasnetsov, and he would tell us interesting stories and stuff. the reason he painted fairy tales was because it takes us back to our childhood, which is when we didnt have any worries and our lives were carefree.....aaah, the days. and its true, looking at the paintings reminded me of sitting with Babi telling us stories and stuff it was nice..

tomorrow im going to a soccer game! moscow vs. a spanish team (not sure of the city) the team is called deportiva. ill bring my little russian flag 😊 anyhoo, saturday night i leave for st pete, so i wont be online for while, unless our hostel has free internet 😊 anyhoo, i miss u all and will see u soon. the time here has flown by and when i come back from finland/sweden/estonia i will only have 3 weeks left in russia. its actually kind of scary, because eventhough i feel like i see so many places, at the same time i feel like i havent seen anything. i mean ive lived in san francisco all my life and i havent seen everything, how am i supposed to see everything in moscow!!? eek, but i know i will survive. alrighty then, i will write later. bye!
love u all!

yes kez si rumen


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