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Europe » Portugal » Algarve » Albufeira
September 25th 2007
Published: September 25th 2007
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Tuesday 25th September

Found a lovely little Net @ Kafe here in Albufeira, to escape the midday heat, you know. Actually its difficlt to find a wi-fi place here as they are all making too much money out of the fixed stations. This place is up beside the MacDonalds at the shopping centre and worth the trip. Anyway enough of the advert, not even getting a free delicious coffee !! We got here on saturday afternoon after a pleasent uneventful drive cown the motorway, avoiding Lisbon and the traffic. Main roads here are surper and signposts are clear and in English as well as Portugese which is fair enough I suppose !!
Saw the match on friday bight before we left Foz. Got taxi down to little beach bar where it was being shown asked the taxi driver to return at 10pm to bring the victors home. Sorry didnt ring him after the beautiful sunset for the return journey as it was the highlight of a very dissapointing night, not made any better by a local who insisted on trying to convince me the Portugal would beat Ireland because at least they played with passion and courage, hard to argue really. Evan had the right idea as he fell asleep before the 2nd half started so at least he hasn't been ruined.
It was great getting to the Algarve, felt like a rest so we booked into the campsite in Albufeira. It's about a km out of town with a bus at the gate down into the madness. We like Albufeira contrary to popular belief it has a bit of character about it if you look for it. The beaches around here are clean and fab, the water is clean and warm. So even though the now quiet campsite has 3 wonderful swimmig pools and a playground we head for a beach for the afternoons and return through the town to have a few drinks and a very reasonable bite to eat in the evenings, before rambling back to the site under luana light. Evan is usually exhausted and goes straight to sleep and the boss and I sit outside on "our patio" and open a nice bottle and enjoy the nice temp and appreciate what we have.
Got great news from home on Sunday with the birth of Chardonnay and the Rock Stars new baby boy. Well done to Gary and Emer, Evan is really looking forward to playing with his new cousin, who he refers to as his special friend !! No name yet but paddy power is giving odds on Ronaldo, Baby Becks and George.!!!

Orla here now. Having such a wonderful time. The weather couldn't be better and the company, the best! Evan is so very good and you can bring him anywhere. As Howie says, the beaches are beautiful. Looking forward to heading down to the beach later to chill out after this. Teresa is in a resort not to far away from us and we plan to visit herself and the girls sometime later this week. Then the plan is to pick her up on Sunday where she will stay with us for the journey home. I'd say Evan will be over the moon when he sees her!

Anyway just to let you know, for those of you who have sent messages, only the comments can be posted on the internet and not the messages. Its absolutely fantastic to get all your comments and messages, so please keep them coming!!! We're delighted that you're enjoying the blog and we love doing it! So hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes to all and we'll blog soon!

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27th September 2007

Still missing you!
Just a short note to say we're still loving the blog. Obviously it's great news about Gary and Emer. Saw the little chisler (as he still has no name!) yesterday and he's an absolute beauty. Evan's going to have competition!! Ber and meself were away for the weekend in Westport and had a great time visited Achill, and drove through Louisburg via Cross Strand to Leenane. Fabulous! Howard - Bohs beat Pat's in the quarter finals of the FAI Cup on Monday with only 10 men for 48 minutes! Looking forward to seeing you all again soon. Lots of love Bob and Ber!
28th September 2007

Hello trailer park family! I can't believe how much Evan has grown - still as cute as ever though! Things all good way down here in NZ - it's supposed to be Spring, but you wouldn't know it here in Wellington cos it's been so cold! Oh well, I'd like to think that means we'll get a nice hot, long Summer : ) I guess it's the opposite of what you're experiencing over there! Love the photos - can't wait to see more! Is Evan loving it? Anyway, I'm still rocking it at the Radio Network - it's busy, but I get lots of perks. Drinking beer at my desk on a Friday arvo is right at the top! I'm heading to Kuala Lumpur for 10 days at the end of October - with ma and pa - for my granddad's 90th birthday, so really looking forward to that. Otherwise, business as usual. Will "comment" again soon : ) for now, lots of love, Mel x
29th September 2007

lucky you...
Hi guys! I am reading your blog and I have to stop myself booking a flight to Portugal for next week-end... I wonder what I am doing here in rainy and blizzard cold England... Have a lovely time. How long are you staying in Portugal? I might after all book a flight... Lots of love, Isabelle xx

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