Oslo--blueprint for couples travel

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Europe » Norway
February 21st 2005
Published: February 21st 2005
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This weekend, Bethany and I were joined by two couples on a trip to Oslo. While I will expand on this entry over the next few days, I just wish to point out here some quick tips:

1.) Oslo is expensive! We thought that the 6 to 1 ratio of Kroner (NOK) to dollars would work in our favor, but we were wrong! I'm sure you can do Oslo on a shoestring--albeit a fat one--but our comfort level for travel cost some moolah. One way to defray the cost:

1a.) The Oslo Pass. A two day pass was 285 NOK (about $50), but it covers all public transport (between $1.50 and 3$ per trip) and most of the museums that you'd want to see. They also have a 1-day ticket, in case your touring Norway in generaland only plan to spend a day in Oslo.

2.) We all stayed at the same B&B and would meet for breakfast and dinner. Other than that, each couple was to their own. If our paths crossed, great, if not, oh well. This helped us determine what we really wanted to see, by allowing the other couples reviews of what they had seen shape our touring priorities.

3.) Brian's Top 3 museums (in no particular order): Kon Tiki, The National Gallery of Art, and The Norway Resistance Museum. The Holmenkol Ski Jump museum was a close fourth.

3a.) We also heard that the Maritime Museum and the Museum of Natural History was good. The Film museum looked good also.

Okay, I'll work on this more tomorrow.


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