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February 6th 2008
Published: February 6th 2008
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I believe that I am on travel blog number three now? two on xanga and one here… I guess that would make it four then. Anywho… On Monday a strange man walked into our flat. All of us were really confused as to why this older man was coming in. He was very friendly and apparently knew us. So he took off his boots and took a seat and started talking to us. Through out the whole time it was kinda awkward for us because we didn't really know who he was! But we cam to find that his name was Hans and he has visited the Americans that have lived here for the last how ever many years. (So yes Liz Hans is still alive!) He was very nice and gave us information about the Olympic Ski park where he works.

Classes are going fine. They are different than American classes. Our Ethical Issues class is all about asking questions and class participation. A lot of the time I feel dumb because people here in Norway know more about America than I do… well they know more about the world than I do. The funny thing is that I am getting more interested in politics being over here away from everything than I was when I lived in the US. It is almost getting to the point of getting overwhelming. There is so much talk about the election and people asking my opinion on things and I feel like I need to brush up on my politics. Coming from me that is interesting. I mean my dad talks a lot about politics but I usually just roll my eyes, but being over here I feel like I should know what is going on. Otherwise when I am sitting in class I feel dumb! At least the professor is quiet entertaining! I wrote earlier about Birger, he makes the class fun.

We started our Russian history class on monday. That was also interesting. We had a hard time finding the room and I know that I felt so stupid walking in circles. We went to one door and it was locked, so we went to another and it was an emergency only door. Finally, we found where we were suppose to be by asking a professor who walked by. But I felt like everyone was looking at us like "Stupid Americans!" Then the class its self was just us Americans with Laurie Indin-Nelson. She seems more like a mentor than a teacher… in other words it is a pretty laid back class. But that is the feeling I get from most of the classes here. They are laid back. We don't get daily assignments but we have a test at the end of the term over what we covered. In our Norwegian Culture class we have a final presentation and paper and that's it. But really I feel like I am learning more here and more motivated to learn about stuff than I do at home in the US

Today it started snowing at around noon and has been non-stop! There is a mountain behind the flats that we can't even see when we look from our front door. I am not sure if that means it is foggy or if is just snowing. It is at least a light fluffy snow and not windy and cold. So I am not going to complain too much, cause…well, I like snow!!! I just want to jump in it!

I AM GOING TO IRELAND!!!! I finally booked my tickets for spring break. It was expensive but what else is money for right. It is for the memories, right?! So I am going to go to Copenhagen for two days (because it as cheaper) and then flying to Dublin on the 16th of March. And for all of you genius' out there the 17th of March is St. Patrick's Day! So I will be in Dublin for it! That will be super fun!!! Then we are going to take a day trip somewhere and then I fly back to Oslo! I hope to spend the rest of spring break with a friends family. Then I would have someone to celebrate Easter with. So I hope that works out too! I mean I am apparently like the 5th child! 😉 So Spring Break will be exciting and memorable. I can't wait… we now just have to figure out where to live and then I'll feel even better.

Well I am going to go and do a little reading for class and then we have a meeting with a journalist of a local Lillehammer newspaper. She wanted to interview the Americans staying here about the presidential candidate race. Hum… that should be interesting. Luckily, I have done a little research so I don't sound too much like a stupid American! 😉

Ha det bra!


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