Blogs from Vlissingen, Zealand, Netherlands, Europe


Europe » Netherlands » Zealand » Vlissingen October 11th 2014

Thurs 9thOctober Oh busy day...washing, internetting, and waiting for customs. They came at 2pm with “Good news and Bad news”. “The good news can stay longer than 6mths, and the bad news is that we were wrong”. They were very lovely admitting that they really didn’t know – but as we said, a good learning experience and now they do know for all the other non EU boats that they come across in future!! Fri 10th Many of the Marinas here have bikes you can borrow (free of charge). So, as Breskens is so flat, we borrowed two bikes for the day, rode into Breskens and then caught the ferry across to Vlissingen – bikes and all. We spent hours riding around and exploring the town. We found the markets and then spent ages walking ... read more
Off to Vlissengen via Ferry
2014-10-10 12.10.12
Fish n chips

Europe » Netherlands » Zealand » Vlissingen April 10th 2008

Die Zeit vergeht wie meistens viel zu schnell,nun sind es nur mehr 11 tage ganz genau bis zum abflug!Und fuer viel zu kurze Zeit war ich in meinem schonen Zuhause(was es auch immer bleiben wird!!)Zell am See! Aber fuer abschied ist die Zeit immer zu kurz und der Augenblick nie der richtige!!ICH VERMISSE EUCH JETZT SCHON!!! Und von gewissen Personen erwarte ich mir auch das sie mich bzw. uns besuchen kommen. meine tuere und mein herzen soll immer offen stehen!! Darum hoffe ich euch schnell im Down Under mit einem : G'day Mate!!;-) begruessen zu duerfen!yehaa....!! Ich werd es nun etwas kurz halten da ich noch einige schachteln zu packen habe,und der tag naehert wo wir das letzte mal in diesem gemuetlichen zuhause schlaffen!:-(... read more
Best friends
Best Friends
Mafia Bro-1

Europe » Netherlands » Zealand » Vlissingen July 6th 2007

Part 4 of 4 in the Netherlands. I've been in this country for 6 weeks and was only in southeast Asia for 5- geographically that makes very little sense. I'm still on the bike, I rode from Utrecht to Den Haag. During my 5 hour ordeal it poured with rain about 10 times. I took shelter in all sorts of places from people's front porches, company workshops and shops to under trees, but I got there eventually . I took a little detour through the city of Leiden where I had a bit of a look around and recall purchasing some strawberries- a major highlight. I then got to Den Haag (also known as The Hague)- where I stayed for two nights. In Den Haag I tried my luck with 'couchsurfing'- don't know if people ... read more
Rotterdam, on the old Mass

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