Blogs from Schiedam, South Holland, Netherlands, Europe


Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Schiedam May 12th 2017

Another nice day so I took a bus from Delft Station to Schiedam Centrum. I had a nice walk in this neat small town. I passed a really neat large windmill by a large canal. (This is a nice typical sight in the Netherlands.) I arrived at Luduina Basiliek, that did not charge a entry fee. (I think that this is still an active church.) The Luduina Basiliek was constructed from 1878 through 1881. Inside there were a few areas that were barricaded off. The church had high beautiful ceilings, several chapels, and stained glass windows. completed... read more
Schiedam Centrum
Schiedam Centrum
nice building

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Schiedam April 26th 2009

April 25th....ANZAC DAY back home. Hope you all had a good day. We spent the day in the old part of Schiedam. The benefit of having rels here is that they take you to places that the tourists haven't discovered. Dad was born in this town. It was surrounded originally by 31 windmills and only 5 are left.They are beautiful and huge. We did a tour of a working windmill then took a silent boat along the canals around the town. We were the only non-Dutch people on board! The guide doesn't even speak English so Hennie translated and could have made up his own story for all we know. Apparently Dad took this tour a few years ago and corrected most of what the guide said. The town is famous for producing Gin and the ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Schiedam April 25th 2009

Hi All We made it!!! Flight to Holland was only 45 minutes. Somehow they managed to feed us a meal and coffee between the 2 seat belt signs. It probably would have been easier to feed us on the ground in Holland. Flight time is only 45 minutes but I think at Schiphol Airport they land in Belgium and then drive - the BA pilot did warn us!! Once on the ground we waited for our baggage -and waited and waited. Just starting to get worried when the only item we trusted to the airline gods appeared. Hennie and Annemeike were waiting for us. It was so great to see them again - I know, I have to say this as they can read this blog, but it really was!! It feels like we have known ... read more
Dee Haag
Dee Haag
Sunset Over North Sea

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Schiedam October 4th 2007

Het was een leuk feestje, wat die broers en schoonzussen voor me hadden georganiseerd. Erg relaxed met een stukje taart en een MEGA cadeau! Ik heb een digitale camera gekregen met onderwaterhuis en ik kan jullie vertellen, dat ik prachtige foto's kan maken ermee! Dit waren de eerste...... read more
Kaltoum & Shilo

Europe » Netherlands » South Holland » Schiedam January 20th 2007

Excitement/Guilt The excitement I had to go to New Zealand had faded a little today, because I realized that I was leaving again, because of me. ME. That might sound strange, but try to see it from my perspective. We had just moved back to the Netherlands the 13th of July. I had to say goodbye to all my friends, teachers and staff in Jakarta. I had lived in Indonesia for the previous 5 years, and although it took me a while, I had gotten very happy there. It felt like home, or at least more than the Netherlands. So for a long time I had been angry with my parents for moving to Indonesia, because I was unhappy there. I thought that I never ever wanted to move again, and that I wouldn't d that ... read more

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