Blogs from Limburg, Netherlands, Europe - page 7


Europe » Netherlands » Limburg » Maastricht February 17th 2010

As promised, here's my take on Carnaval in Maastricht: The Carnaval festivities began on Saturday (February 13) & continued until Tuesday night (February 16). The entire time, there was craziness in the streets of Maastricht. Saturday started when the Prince of Carnaval arrived at the Central Station. From there, there was a parade to his monument on the Market (in front of my house). There was a lot of singing (& a ton of beer drinking). Marching bands were EVERYWHERE so it was ridiculous & not quite for a minute. Sunday was the official start of Carnaval. They fired 11 gunshots on the Vrijthof Square & raised the Mooswief. The Mooswief is symbolic of a traditional and typical woman selling vegetables on the market in Maastricht. Over time the Mooswief tradition has become deeply embedded, there’s ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » Limburg » Maastricht February 12th 2010

The topic of tonight's random blog is Dutch transportation. Today, I decided to be totally Dutch & take my bike to the library even though it was flurrying. That marked the second time that I had taken my bike out in wintry conditions, but I'm getting more confident with it. I wasn't as afraid that I would wipe out & have to walk into the building with a wet bum. I did realize today that my seat squeaks when I go up hills so that it makes people turn & stare, but oh well. I guess I just can't sneak up on someone is all. However, as much crap as I give my bike, it's actually a pretty handy little guy to have around. In fact, it's so handy that other people were using my bike ... read more
Go green or go home
Good ol' standby technique - walking

Europe » Netherlands » Limburg » Maastricht February 4th 2010

I woke up this morning super homesick with yet another headache. That's 3 days in a row. Needless to say, I decided it was time to go to the pharmacy & look for cold medication as a preventive measure. I mean, for about 9 years straight I've either had the flu or bronchitis or some other horrible cold during the 2nd week of February. It's like clockwork. The problem is, once I got there - I had no idea what to even look for. I had to text Cenay & ask for help because I felt like an idiot asking one of the workers there, haha. Cenay recommended "Otrivin" nose spray; ibuprofen for fevers; & "strepsils" for sore throats... I managed to find an equivalent of Vick's vap-o-rub so I definitely got that. I also loaded ... read more
Onze Lieve Vrouw Basilica

Europe » Netherlands » Limburg » Maastricht February 1st 2010

I survived my first day of European law school! Hooray! Despite my mental breakdown last night that I didn't feel prepared for class, in the end, everything turned out fine. (Me? Overreact? NEVER!) haha. My first class this morning was European Criminal Law. The professor is Andre Klip (who wrote our textbook). My group has 14 students in it, but I think I'm the only exchange student. That may work out in my favor since everyone else has to speak English instead of Dutch so at least I don't have a problem with the language. I know that there was a lot of translation issues for them that I never would have thought about. Today was just an introduction of the general concepts, but so far I definitely understand the material. The only issue is going ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » Limburg » Maastricht January 30th 2010

Today I decided that I'd look through the course manuals that I received at Orientation to see how my courses are going to be structured. Essentially, I had gathered that I would meet twice a week per class - once as a "tutorial" session and once as a "lecture" session. Since I have 2 classes beginning on Monday, I figured I'd better get a jump start on the reading for this week. What I didn't realize was that as soon as I took a look at the syllabus I would immediately begin to hyperventilate! I have a "tutorial" in European Criminal Law on Monday at 11:00. The reading assignment for that class period alone is over 120 pages long. That, in & of itself, is considerably more than any other reading assignment I've ever been given ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » Limburg » Maastricht January 29th 2010

Last night's pub crawl was actually a really good time. I met some interesting people from Australia, Georgia (the country, not the state), Sweden, Finland, Germany, & of course some Dutch people. There were approximately 160 exchange students doing the crawl so we were broken up into groups of about 10-12, & we each went to different places so we didn't overwhelm the bartenders with all of us. haha. We had a ticket book with tickets for 7 bars that were good for a free beer or soda. It turned out to be pretty fun. The pubs were all different - some were traditional low-key bars, some were techno clubs. I think in the 4 hours that I was out, I heard every type of music known to man. The one bar would play Green Day, ... read more
Pub Crawl
My Bike!

Europe » Netherlands » Limburg » Maastricht January 28th 2010

So today was the big day - law school orientation! Before leaving this morning, I absolutely dreaded having to go. I felt like a 5 year old about to set out for kindergarden all over again, but this time my parents weren't there to see me off. How depressing... good news is that EVERYONE there felt exactly the same way, so nobody put up any walls to making friends, & everyone was very nice & sociable. However, as always, it was easy to pick out the people that I probably WON'T make friends with (& how ironic is that the girl I'm speaking of was very clearly American.... She was so annoying, yuck!) Regardless, I hung around with 3 girls who are from Sweden & are super nice. Their English is amazing so there wasn't really ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » Limburg » Maastricht January 27th 2010

Today was yet another extremely random day with no real highlights to point out, so this blog is going to be extremely short. Since it's Wednesday, the market was going on out front today. There are so many random things there. For instance, you can buy flowers at one cart & right next to it you can buy a pair of underwear. I assumed that a market meant that local farmers would bring in their produce to be sold; however, I was totally wrong. There were a few places that had fruit & such for sale, but most of the places had either fabric or underwear or clothing of some sort. Very random, indeed. Granted, the Wednesday markets are smaller than the Friday markets, I can't imagine that Fridays are very different. So if anyone needs ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » Limburg » Maastricht January 26th 2010

Today's main adventure is the fact that I hit up my first European gym tonight! Going into it, I figured, "A gym's a gym, right?" However, once I got there, I couldn't be more wrong! Three of us went to a gym across the river (about a 5 minute walk) in order to take advantage of a free-trial offer for new prospective members. Everyone that worked there was SO NICE; however, the paperwork we had to fill out was all in Dutch, so it's definitely a good thing that Cenay was there. Needless to say, we filled out the papers as a group. I guess it's standard procedure for new members to have a consultation with one of the gym's trainers before being allowed to use the facilities by themselves; however, the lady let us just ... read more

Europe » Netherlands » Limburg » Maastricht January 25th 2010

Yet another overcast day today in Maastricht, & probably the coldest day since I've been here. However, that didn't stop me from going out & seeing some things today. My first stop this morning was the Basilica of St. Servaas. I've posted pictures of the OUTSIDE of the church, but I figured that since it's so old, the interior has to be just as (or more) magnificent than the exterior. I couldn't have been more right. Visitors have to pay 3,80 euros to gain entrance into the church & the church's treasury. I first went into the treasury. It houses a lot of artifacts & relics from throughout the church's history -- there are even relics which date back to the time of St. Servaas himself! (Keep in mind that he died in 384 AD!) After ... read more
St. Servaas Basilica
St. Servaas Basilica
St. Servaas Basilica

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