Finally “Home” in the Milano Flat

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November 14th 2008
Published: November 18th 2008
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Thursday was a lovely day. Went out on Wednesday evening with one of the young women from the office, Raf and Jake returned from Milano. So I was very grateful to got to sleep in and then left for the riding lesson around 3pm/15:00. The lesson was certainly not worth the 22 euros. The horses seemed really board and constantly needed to be encouraged to go. Laura is quite an experienced rider so I felt worse for her, I on the other hand didn’t feel so board because I had never ridden on an English saddle before, though I prefer English bits. Although in hindsight I wouldn’t have paid what I did for it, it was still fun to be on a horse and to be doing something. Jack had stayed at the hotel because all we had to do was pack up the car. We did so and then Jake offered to make us dinner. He lives in the apartment under the office, so we had a few beers and a really nice dinner together. After we went to the movies and saw Disney’s new(ish) Pixar movie, Wall-e. It was perfect because it uses so little language, and was a really sweet movie. We drove back to the office to drop Jake off and found a little football (soccer) party going on at the Joy Café, which is the store front next door to the office. We were offered wine and soon after decided to stay and party with the Italians from next door. I talked, in my VERY limited Italian, to some crazy theologist before I got whisked away by some hugely Euro/metro sexual Italian to dance to Cotteneye Joe. Had a nice little dance with the owner as well, which was the first time we had bonded and now I probably won’t see him till I return in January. After we were all exhausted from dancing there was more talking, and lots of listening on my part. The next day Laura went back to Blue Beach, packed up, and got on the road to the company flat in Milano by 1pm. The drive was about three hours and was very beautiful. We hit a little Milan traffic about 15 minutes away from the apartment but other than that it was a lovely drive. It was SO nice to see everyone! The whole group just functions better when were
Vino at Joy CafeVino at Joy CafeVino at Joy Cafe

Jake, Me, and "random euro metro guy"
all together, everyone has their buddy in the opposite group, and it’s just easier to not over do it on face time when there are seven other people to talk to instead of two or three. Friday night all the girls stayed in and ordered pizza. I worked the conference on Saturday, which consisted of performing a show for English teachers. Lingue maintains there charity status by offering free teaching seminars about teaching English. It was nice to perform for adults but the show was difficult as this particular group of people had never performed together. The groups had to be reorganized after Jack broke his foot and the schedule has been drastically changed. The group of four is doing all the long workshops, which consist of going into schools and only teaching groups of ten or so children at a time. There are three long workshops before X-Mas holiday and Team Brilliant has to do all of them, as Jack can only teach now. Jack and Chris have swopped so now Chris, Laura, and I are team awesome. As nice as it may be to change things up a little, it will also take a bit of getting use to, especially for Chris and the rest of team brilliant who have learned all the shows as a group of four not three. Ahhh, the joys of TIE! Actually, the show on Saturday was only a little better then a train wreck and thank goodness it’s all on tape……yah. We did get some free Champaign and lunch out of it. After the conference I was dropped off at the metro and I went to go meet Vic in Verona for a little weekend trip. Took the metro to Milano Centrale and then in a little over two hours I was in beautiful Verona!

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aka Laura at Frog Bar

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