Dei Dua

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September 11th 2006
Published: September 23rd 2006
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Day two in Venice. We toured the Acedemia, which was an art history dream come true…Highlights include two artists: Titian and Tintoretto. Just to give you an idea of what I’m studying/learning, I’ll throw in an excerpt from my notes here:

Titian (aka Tiziano, Titianvs): paints deliberately, lived to be 89-90 years old, before him you could not see brushstrokes in painting, as he ages he cares less for smoothness and details, reportedly painted his last works “in blood” because they have a “redness” to them, has perfect perspective, is genius because he changes style easily and according to meaning.

Tintoretto: apprentice of Titian until Titian kicks him out, he always reveres Titian regardless, compulsive painter, brilliant, lower class… A contest was held to see who would paint the ceiling of a hall, the night before the winner was to be announced, Tintoretto snuck in and painted the entire ceiling with assistants… paints fast, doesn’t correct.

And as for architettura:

San Marco: built in 1100; clock added in 1300, horses added in 1204, marble imported from Greece, Asia, Syria and doesn’t match, relief of Hercules on façade, much Grecian and Byzantine influence, mosaic on far left from 1230 - original, frieze from 1100, first pointed arches in Italy taken from Arabs, gilding shows occupations of monks and religious figures, area under the arch called the “soffit”?, pillars from 7th c. Constantinople, statues possible from Egypt, door cast by Venetians to copy Greece, balcony from 5th - 6th c. used by women, private church of the Doge….

So on and so forth. I love it.

Spent the evening riding the vapparetto from Rialto to St. Marcos and walking around the city aimlessly. It was cold on the vapparetto, but I had the entire front of the boat to myself. It’s a strange thing -Venice at night- all the tourists disappear into their hotels and I have the city, mostly, to myself. It feels like it belongs to me… the most at home I’ve felt since Rome. It’s a beautiful thing. I love love LOVE the reflection of the lights in the canals and the glass chandeliers glowing in the windows of the homes. It’s very romantic and unique.



1st October 2006

What up D?
At the end of August, did you send me a text message saying "I'm gone! Be back n December."? I didn't recognize the number, and then I kept forgetting to look it up. Until today, at which point I saw that it's from Muskogee. Mmhmm, yeah for belatedly putting two and two together. Anyway. I've enjoyed reading about all you expoits, and it sounds like you're having a great time. Keep it up, kid. Peace, Love, & Flying Monkeys

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