Island hopping was cool but we were happy to get back to our pigeons

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June 8th 2006
Published: June 8th 2006
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Island hoppingIsland hoppingIsland hopping

On our way to Murano
Hello to one and all,
I am SO HUNGRY! Thank god we have food in our backpacks as soon as we get out of here. We have just booked at this place's sister campsite in Rome, we like the prospect of having a room alone with a pool not far away for the same price as a place right in Rome with 12 other people and no pool!
We spent yesterday by the pool, so nice. I am so tanned, or getting there... and Dan is so burned! But we had a great time dipping in and out of the pool and reading and chatting with people around. Sun is hot, water is cool, beautiful combination!
Today we went island hopping to Murano and Burano in the lagoon off of Venice. We took the public transport, which are boats of course, to Murano first. This place is beautiful and is known for its glass blowing. We went into lots of store in search of my perfect necklace... again, I tell Dan these things take time. However in between we did find a huge workshop where a load of really strong men with very large biceps were blowing glass and making other
Island hoppingIsland hoppingIsland hopping

Glass blowing factory in Murano
glass creations. Very pretty... the glass, and some of the men!
Next we went to Burano, known for lace making. We aren't very 'lacy people' but we were told to go because it is really nice. It totally is! So small, with multicoloured houses, even more than Cinque Terre! Some of the houses were even wild shades of purple and fushia! Lots of little store, over priced restaurants too, but we did find a cheap take out pizza place so we were set for lunch. After this we tried to get to Lido, another island, but hopped the wrong ferry and ended up back at Murano. Anyways we decided we were getting tired and that gelato and some pigeons would be a nice way to end the day.

Now as Gimpy's (Adrienne's) last comment describes, she believes that pigeons are gross and are the rodents of the sky... Now this is because of some very rude pigeons in Chile who broke into her apartment on many occations and shat everywhere. Well I must tell you that Italian pigeons are very well behaved. Or they are nice to us anyways, totally because we have food. We had the most fun
Island hoppingIsland hoppingIsland hopping

Dan's model pose on the boat! Doesn't he look mysterious...!
time feeding these guys and having them on our heads, shoulders, backpacks, arms, and feet... Yes sometimes all at once! They remind me of cats, honestly, just milling around waiting for love and food. awww. Hard to believe I know, but I swear these guys are so sweet when they are on your shoulder cooing in your ear. You warm up to these feathered boys quite quickly... The photos prove it as the first time I look scared and the 2nd time I look quite content!

So, Florence tomorrow off to another camp ground, apparently its beautiful!

Now Dan would like to write.... here's Dan!

Hello everybody,
Well there is a bit of bad news due to the fact that my palm is being not nice or as Robyn says, it is being pooy. Right now we have lost the all of our pictures up to now, they are still on the palm, I hope (Cross fingers). I am thinking that all I have to do is hook it up to my computer back in Canada and then I can get it fixed. So for Cinque Terre for now you will all just have to do with
Island hoppingIsland hoppingIsland hopping

Dan in Burano
some pictures of postercards which we will post soon... Hope that things will work out, I also plan on contacting Palm help, and at least we will get to show them to you all when we get back. For the rest of the trip we will be puting our photos on CDs to make sure that we will not loose them at all and so that you can all see the great sights that we have seen :D Well as Robyn said, we need food and so I think that I am finished and will get food so talk to you all later and hope to keep on hearing from you all about your summers.

Additional photos below
Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


Island hoppingIsland hopping
Island hopping

Me in the cheap pizza place in Burano
Island hoppingIsland hopping
Island hopping

Gelato before leaving the islands
back to our pigeonsback to our pigeons
back to our pigeons

I'm a little more comfortable with them now
back to our pigeonsback to our pigeons
back to our pigeons

this guy was my friend... he never left me
back to our pigeonsback to our pigeons
back to our pigeons

Dan the pigeon man... PS Isn't St Mark's Square beautiful..?
back to our pigeonsback to our pigeons
back to our pigeons

This is one of my favourite pictures... Dan looks SO HAPPY!

Outside the campground waiting for the bus

At our one dinner out in venice... canal side. So beautiful

... with gondolas floating by complete with singers and accordiens!

9th June 2006

Pidgeons are rats with wings. They are filthy, disgusting, stupid little creatures that are in no way as endearing as cats. I am appalled that you willingly let these creatures perch on you, let alone petted them. I honestly cringed when I read that bit. But the islands sound cool...beautiful glass and men, interesting combination!
12th June 2006

yay for dirt??
So |I am confused by all the campgrounds are you tenting? how do you get into the city. is this camping with fleece hats and dirt or is this with pools and cabin? sounds great anyways... hugs

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