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June 10th 2006
Published: June 10th 2006
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In Venice right outside the train staion, which is on the Grand Canal, to go to Florence
Hello all,
We have ventured into Florence now! So pretty, we are in a campsite again... Sadly without a pool or cabins (tents with beds... that Dan has managed to break, so not very sturdy beds but they will do for 2 more nights) but with beautiful views of Florence as we are perched up on a hill near the Piazze Michalangelo (sp). So nice to wake up, unzip the tent and look out onto the city between the branches of the olive groves. Not too shabby!

Today we went to the big church, the Duomo, to climb to the top of the dome. We like to do this cause then we feel like we are sort of active! This one had like 450 stairs or something, so not as much as other places we have climbed, but it got the heart rate up and the views from the top were amazing! After this we deserved a good lunch, we went to a busy locals spot with long tables that you meet everyone at. The food was spectacular, fresh fresh ravioli and pastas and wine for like 10 euros. An amazing deal. The family that runs the place are running

On the train
around shouting everywhere delivering food and generally having a great time. It was packed, it was yummy! Note to everyone who goes to Florence, go to Mario's. It is in most guide books.
After Mario's, we went into the flea market conveniently located right near it! I love markets, and Venice had none and crazy prices for everything and anything. I was in the need for a cheap steal. There were loads of things, I could have bought up the place, but I'm getting pretty good about being realistic about what we can carry. I need a spaghetti strap tank top, so I got one with florence on it and a cool Ciao Bella logo on it. There is so much cheap leather here too, amazing stuff. Dan was intreged so we went into a store.... and we came out with 2 jackets.... Dan's is amazing, wonderful dark brown colour, fits him like a glove and looks amazing. Mine was a present from Dan ( He owed me a bday present) again, dark brown, and looks really cool. I didn't think I was a leather person.... until today I guess. I just have to keep telling myself that we will

dan is a happy boy on the train
have these jackets forever! Dad you will have to tell us how to keep them pretty forever.
Now we are in an internet cafe (obviously) checking e-mail, doing the maintenence, doing the blog, making sure that everything is square. My UBC registration date has been moved to the 21st of June, so I'm glad I checked that out! It was originally June 29th, big jump, and now it is at 7:15 in the morning! But as it is Pacific time and I will be in Athens at the time I think I can manage to hit a computer at 5:15pm (Think its 10 hours difference from there, I will double check). So now I'm going to hand everything over to Dan to see if his registration date has changed and see if the Palm people have e-mailed him back to get our photos back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow I think we are going to go and see David, there is also an open top double decker bus tour around here, could be an easy and quick way to see the rest of the city seeing as we leave on Monday morning! All in all, Florence is awesome.

Love to one and all,
Robyn and Dan

Additional photos below
Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


Florence CampgroundFlorence Campground
Florence Campground

From the balcony at the campground
Florence CampgroundFlorence Campground
Florence Campground

The house wine at the campground. The white wine was 1.90 and the red was 2.50... Not to bad either!

View from the top of the duomo

Going down the steep stair with the low ceiling of the church... good combo for Dan... well he looks happy anyways

A yummy lunch at Mario's

Mario's... the local busy, yummy hangout

View from Piazza Michelango

Piazza Michelango sunset watching


Dan is a perfect replica of the statue... too bad be wasn't nude

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