pigeons are NOT annoying!

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April 27th 2006
Published: April 27th 2006
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so today we woke up early early again
and decided we wanted to save money on food
we payed for our hostel
25€ per night... soo 100 euro and then went and got yogurt and
crousissants.. yougurts were 20 cents and croussants were 85 cents..
then we bought a loaf of bread and some jam.. but we couldnt find peanut butter
anywhere.. excpet one place and it was WAY too expensive.. dumb dumb..
haha eeww soo we at jam sandwiches and diet coke... haha it was good though
tonight we ar going to get pizza...
anyway as if you care what we are eating
we walked 20 minutes to san marco square today and saw the most beautiful churhc
i have ever seen in my whole life.. and its just.. a huge square with muesems and churches
all surrounding it.. and i was blown away!
the best part was for every person there was about 40 pigeons... haha and you can buy bird feed for 1 euro
so we did and the pigeons attacked us!! ahah at first we screamed and then we died laughing for the
rest of the hour... we would hav elike.. 10 pigeons all over us.. on our bags and heads and arms..
hahah it wa soo funny.... then we sat and stared a tthe ridiculous chapel for an hour..
and then went for a walk..
came home ate lunch and had a nap.. now we took showers because we didnt have time this morning
because they have a lock out from 10 till 2
which is cool because it forces us to be up early
we stayed in a dorm with two other really nice japanese girls from toronto last night
we tried to hint if they wante to go hang out for a bit...
but they didnt catch it.. so kat and i went to a cute little peticeria...
by ourselves.. for a beer.. .i know! wine wine! but wine is soo cheap by bottle..
but we are not alloud to... a. drink it on the streets or b. bring it into our hostel
maybe in milan!!! okay!!! i love you all!!!


27th April 2006

You left laundry in your room!
Hey, I thought you said all your laundry was done before you left. NOT COOL!!. You better get on the next flight home . Get er' done and then you can go back out and play................. I am serious. I can't even sleep knowing your out in Europe and your room is a mess. So, now that I have vented, I talked to grandma yesterday and she said during her visit to Venice in the 50's , she planned a week there, however, when she arrived the streets were flooded, so she went back to the Ukraine. The truth. It was so good to hear from you on the 26th. Please call when ever you feel. I am glad to hear all is so well and flowing smoothly, I don't suppose there are to many Harley shops in Venice, don't worry about a T-Shirt. The boys were happy to talk to you as well. Devin leaves for tree planting this weekend for a couple of months. I think Brennan is nervous. Just him and I in the house. He might have to do a chore or two. I love the blog idea for info. Very cool. Hey! Oilers won on Tuesday. We lead the series 2-1. Game tonight, keep fingers crossed. Play safe, boys are yukky( just for this trip! ) have fun, say hi to KK for me Love always Dad
28th April 2006

Hi Brit!!! Maybe try cheese and roma tomatoes with your bread next time.!!! Is cheese expensive too??? How is it in the hostel??? Are you taking lots of pictures?? Love Mom!!
28th April 2006

Have an Italian dinner on Vic and me!!
Hi, Brit, Brit: Kat's hasn't updated her blog so would you let her know that her family is anxiously waiting for a few new lines when she gets a chance? I know it can get expensive. Make sure that you two have a REALLY NICE dinner while you're in Venice on us, O.K.? (someplace that has linen and cutlery?!) Bread and jam is O.K. for a snack but be careful you two don't get run down. The food there is wonderful and changes so much from region to region...you should try and experience some of it. (I know, I know.... I get that the beersh are good!) Don't forget to eat some fresh fruit and drink lots of water. Take good care of each other!! Love, Mrs. I
29th April 2006

call twice
Hey Brit!! If you call, try a couple times. Our phone cuts out after 3 rings. I just missed a call and wondered if it was you!! You must be in Milan today. Hope it went good !!! I love you MOM!!!
1st May 2006

Heh yo
Hello my Euro babes! Just wanted to say heh, and let you know that I have been reading your blogs daily. Yea Brit, its great to come work everyday (borrring), but then read about you and Kat in Europe. It brightens my day! Anywho, feel free to add me to yuor blog if its not too difficult....Did the pigeons poo on you??? Hope you guys took some pics of that, I can just see the 2 of you, covered in Pigeons, laughing your a$$e$ off. Anyways, back to work (boo). BUT, big Oilers game tonight (Yea!). Hope you guys hit up Pink Palace in Greece. It looks super cool there. K, Love ya guys, MMMWWWAAHHH. Be safe!
2nd May 2006

Hey, Your Ralph " bucks " came in.
Do you want me to deposit or hold intil your? home?

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