Blogs from Tuscany, Italy, Europe - page 335


Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa February 6th 2004

Chapter 5 Leaning on a tower Breakfast and left Rome on the 9.46am IC train to Pisa. The train was delayed by 10 minutes,having swapped seats once, they ended up in a compartment with a family (very sweet, well behaved kids and friendly parents). The train took them through Rome’s suburbs, heading north along the Mediterranean, past Cievativiechhia, Cerosetto, Livorno and 3 hours later, they arrived at Pisa Centrale. Maya had been here before and knew a cheap hostel right by the tower, so they headed through the pretty streets, over the bridge and after Martin had changed his shoes, they arrived at the Piazza di Miraculi. First the hostel, Albergo Gronchi (H: a very plain, very decrepit, but very cheap hotel that stays full, with a great view of the Tower. The weak springed beds ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa July 31st 2003

As there are beginnings, there are endings for everything; Alpha and Omega. Our time in Italy is ticking away; and the next thing we knew, we had get off our couch and gathered our belongings for the last time from our apartment, a place we called home for the last three months. We drank our last water from a cold Roman fountain, we saw San Pietro for the last time from a distance, and we walked along the Roman black cobble street stones, headed out to the Metro Ottaviano/San Pietro Metro station that would bring us to Termini station to continue on with our lives. Sad was not a good adjective to describe our feeling, but I couldn’t help it by feeling so miserable. At the same time, anxious started to fill me in as we ... read more
Pisa streetscape
Piazza dei Miracoli

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence July 9th 2003

the computer just ate my really great blog... yesterday we went to the pitti palace which has the best celings i have ever seen, carvings turn to paintings. then to the synagouge for a break from crosses, and a pretty place where i understood all the symbolism. then we saw the david, its huge. today was uffsi day... lots of old painting, more crosses, starting to learn the saints... st. sebastian is the one with all the bows sticking out of him... the paintings in france were better taken care of took the day off from gelato... outta time, sorry so short... later... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence July 7th 2003

I had a really good title in mind but I can't think of It now. Yeah we got up at 4am this morning to get to florence. We've been walking ever since. I'm very tired and my feet hurt. We met Lauren and Rob yesterday in Pisa which was good then we went to the beach which was fun too. Florence is really expensive. We went to 4 or 5 places today all of which cost 4-6€ to get in and the hostel was way more than we usually pay. On top of all that I somehow managed to lose a 50€ bill today which really hurt. That's about it because I'm too tired and hungry to write a good entry. Caren wrote a really detailed entry you can read here about our past 2 days ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Lucca July 5th 2003

Caren and I are in Lucca right now which is exactly the kind of place we needed and wanted after Turin. It gets visited by enought tourists that people speak at least some enlish and it is very cute and relaxing. It is a tiny little city with lots of big old churches surrounded by a big wall. We walked around the wall this morning and this afternoon we are going to take a bus out to see a villa. We got to empty our memory cards today which is good cause i had already filled up a card and a half. We will probably have to empty them again in Rome and then I don't know how I'm going to get through greece with the limited space until we get back to france. The hostel ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Lucca July 5th 2003

Plans change... Tania and i left Turin and headed down to Lucca. What a fantastic choice! Lucca is a small town, just touristy enough that people speak some english. We met an American on the train (as soon as i spotted him i knew he was from the USA). Turn out he is from Park Slope, small world. So the 3 of us headed to the Hostel here. It is a really nice building,with huge rooms. Tania and i explored town, walking on the wall (its a very old, very thick defensive wall) and through the streets. It is easy to orient yourself here, lots of towers and the wall helps. I got the best gelato EVER here, it makes Ciao Bellas Valhrona Chocolate seem weak. I got banana too, which went well with the chocolate. ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence June 26th 2003

Florence. The city of light, the city of art. The city where the famous dome arches high above cobble streets, and David stands proudly in his piazza. At least his fake, because they removed the original David to a museum where you have to pay a fortune to see him. Ponte Vecchio, Santa Maria della Novela, and tons of Renaissance arts and architectures. But instead of experiencing it all, our day started in Villa Medici (c. 1671) in Fiesole. We were so antsy about having done with school work for the day and exploring Florence that was within our sights. From the Villa, we could see the terra cotta color Duomo in a distance, and like Jason described it, we felt like cats with a little fish waving in front of us. "Duomo ... duomo ... ... read more
Il Pontevecchio

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Siena June 25th 2003

As we started our five day trip to Northern Italy as a class today, a lot of things were happening this morning, even before we got out of Rome. Rome Arrived in the Piramide Metro around 8:10 am, we were joining our classmates across the pyramid, waiting on our tour bus that would pick us up at 8:30. Romans were doing their daily routines; streets started to get busy with cars and mopeds zooming around, people in work dress were walking all around us, and vendors were setting up tables and tents for their items. Apparently twenty plus foreigners waiting in a piazza in the middle of these activities were an eye-sore for locals, as many started to give us a puzzled look. It started to get uneasy, but nothing we could do but waiting for ... read more
Pienza church
Tuscan landscape
Duomo di Siena

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa April 17th 2003

I flew to Pisa and then took a train to Florence. I stayed here for a few days and met up with my housemate Leigh and his friend. It was the first city I've ever cycled in and despite the crazy Italian drivers this was definitely a highlight of the trip. I went back to Pisa for a few days. From here I also visited the beautiful Gothic town of Lucca. I had enjoyed cycling in Florence so much that I hired a bike here too! ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence March 18th 2003

man we wish we had more time here! but we saw the david, the tombs of galileo michelangelo dante and machiavelli (not tupac, he's alive), santa croce, the duomo, ghiberti's gates of paridise... etc etc. pictures to come. but this is where the renaissance was born so it was reallz interesting to see. good ol michelangelo grew up here so we saw some of his greatest works here too. man, that boz was talented! ... read more

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