Week 3 & 4 Chianti Italy

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June 2nd 2006
Published: June 2nd 2006
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It is hard to believe we have come to the end of our time at Castellina in Chianti and will head to the south of Italy tomorrow.

We have had a busy week fitting in the things we wanted to do before we left. We revisited our shopping mecca-The Mall on Monday and purchased a few more items to add to our already excess baggage. It’s lucky we don’t have this in Australia!

Tuesday we had a scenic drive to Volterra which lies in the hills of Tuscany. It is a walled town and is the major producer of Alabaster, a white stone. It has Etruscan origins which makes it a very touristy place.

From there we drove to San Gimignano which was a favourite spot. It too is a walled town in the hills and can be seen for many miles. It has many towers that Mark and the girls climbed. Its cathedral was very impressive. St Augustine came from here. We had a great afternoon wandering, having quiet ale and the girls testing the local gelati. I think there has not been a day that they have not eaten one!

We headed into Florence on Wednesday. We have that run down pat…30minutes to the parking station. We had plans of seeing David at the Galleria dell’ Accademia but they were quickly shelved when the line to get in was many hundreds of mtres long. That will be something the kids can do next time they are here!! We went to the Piazza Michelangelo that is set high over Florence. The views are sensational. From there we walked to the Palazzo Pitti and wandered through the majestic Boboli Gardens. The Medici family certainly wasn’t short of a few dollars!

Yesterday we drove into Siena and did our last church for this are. The Church of St Dominic…just for you Dad! St Catherine of Siena has a chapel in the church. Once again another magnificent and ornate piece of architecture with stained glass windows that were amazing. Had a great wander through the alleys and coffee in the Piazza del Campo
The kids found another tower to climb at the back of the Duomo…we have some GREAT scenery shots.

Today is pack up day and tomorrow the next part of the adventure begins!!.

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


San Gimignano San Gimignano
San Gimignano

A local keeping an eye on the visitors
San Gimignano 5San Gimignano 5
San Gimignano 5

The gelati eaters
San Gimignano 6San Gimignano 6
San Gimignano 6

The Beer drinkers
San Gimignano 7San Gimignano 7
San Gimignano 7

View from the top of the tower
San Gimignano 8San Gimignano 8
San Gimignano 8

On top of the tower
Florence-Piazza della signoriaFlorence-Piazza della signoria
Florence-Piazza della signoria

Cellini's Perseus holding Medusa's head

4th June 2006

Hi there.... a quick note to say that I'm enjoying reading through your blogs, and many of your photographs are simply beautiful. We are heading to Europe in a few weeks and whilst we hadn't planned to go to, I think we may now consider northern Italy as a detour! Looking forward to your next installment - happy travels! Sharon.

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