Day 29

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence
June 16th 2015
Published: June 17th 2015
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A much needed rest day with no plans.

At brekky, I watch in amazement as Michelle brings back a plate of salami, ham and cheese. That in itself is a testament to how good the meats are.

We then head out for a stroll around the streets of Florence.

Walked to the river and what is known as the Ponte Vecchio, which is a bridge holding houses from the old days, now converted to jewelry shops, one after the other on both sides.

Browsing the shops, I see Michelle's attraction to the jewels. Well lit and sparkling in every window.

I go into stealth mode or else this walk will cost me big.

1. Always agree just enough when asked if they look good, but don't over do it as it will trigger a buy sign.

2. Follow behind, always keeping a safe distance and never close enough to be trapped with a question that only has a yes/no answer.

3. Never and I repeat never make eye contact, just look into the windows and nod a bit.

My rules of stealth mode work, and we are safely over the bridge of jewels with no damage to the wallet.

I suggest to go and find a fridge magnet as a momento, so that works.

Strolling the streets a bit more, I find a barber for a haircut.

He speaks no English, so I point to the customer before me and said the same, it seemed to work.

As the church is at the centre of town, you can't miss it.

Once again it's a massive structure and its size makes it difficult to get a photo.

We are not touring this church, as we fell that we have seen enough churches.

We also discovered the central market and found where they do cooking classes. I think a school group was in for the day.

Useless info is that Florence have the best waste removal system, so far that we have seen.

Big metal boxes below the bins and below the ground are used by everyone.

The truck picks the whole lot up, bin and all and the metal containers are emptied from the bottom. The whole lot gets placed backed into its little hole.

In London, everybody just leaves all the rubbish on the footpaths in bags and boxes every night.

The rest of the day was spent just soaking in the sights that the busy streets have to offer.

Finished the day with a lovely meal at a restaurant close by,sitting out in the streets.

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17th June 2015

Buy the gown it does suit you.
18th June 2015
Might buy a gown, I think it suits me

I wont be going fishing with you if you wear that

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