On the train

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Europe » Italy » Campania » Naples
April 13th 2005
Published: July 21st 2005
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Last night we were at a rather loose end after getting back. After some hemming and hawing, we ventured out for food. One of the things on my list for Firenze was watching the sunset from the Ponte Vecchio. Check. Probably one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. I think this was one of the Moments, surprisingly few and far between, when I realize, Wow, I'm in Italy. After seeing Florence spread out below my feet like a carpet, after pedalling through land that seems like the original source of sustenance, after pressing an olive branch in my book, after that last dizzying descent into the city, this was the ultimate Moment.

After we lost the light, we wandered back, and then wedged ourselves into the pub across the street from the hotel. A search for a pint turned into the ultimate cross-cultural experience: watching soccer with Italians. In a mixed crowd of fans, of course. We managed to find a couple of stools during the half-time mass smoking exodus, and settled in to watch the show. After a few minutes I happened to notice I was the only woman in the place besides the bartender. Fun. Anyway the game was great until the fans started launching flares onto the field after a contested goal. Nick and I could only watch in amazement as a flare actually hit the goalie. I'm thinking mass riots, incredible danger, death by smoke inhalation to half the crowd, and the guys around me are thinking just desserts. Anyway Milan gave it up and Inter won I guess by default, I'll hear more, Im sure.

Now we're heading south, starting to see lemon trees and such. I am completely happy with these last few days. It could rain until the 17th and my trip would not be dampened a bit (hardee har, sorry, I'm tired). Well, on the road (tracks) again, and at the other end, a new city to discover and old friends to meet!


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