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June 26th 2011
Published: July 5th 2011
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It has been a full week since our last entry, so we have got lots to tell. Our flight out of SA was not the best flight in the world. It was full to the brim with people, absolutley no space to move whatsoever and neither Aaron or I mangaed to sleep at all, so by the time we arrived in Heathrow we were shattered. Unfortunatley bad organisation on our part meant we had an eight hour wait before our flight to Dublin, and we didn't get our A into G fast enough to go into London for a couple of hours, so we had a long long wait before we finally made it to our destination. I have never ever been so happy to get somewhere when we got off the plane in Dublin.

We got to Paddy's Palace in Dublin about 6pm for a shower and a bite to eat before we quickly went to sleep, so we were prepared for our jam packed week of site seeing with Paddywagon.

We started out from Dublin at 9am and headed towards Derry. Our firsrt stop was in a town called Drogheda where we went to St Peters catholic church to visit the national shrine of St. Oliver Plunkett which contains his preserved head - yes you read write. He was executed in London by being hung, drawn and quartered and when his remains where put on the fire the peolple of Ireland ran in and took his head off the fire and brought it back to Ireland. The next stop was a place called Monasterboice where we visited the remains of an old Monastic site which consits of a cemetry, two churches and 3 sculpted crosses. Our guide told us that there is a legend about the tallest cross and that if you can get your arms around the cross and have your fingers touch, you will find true love in Ireland. Well I am sue you can all guess what was to follow. The next 45minutes was spent with everyone on the bus trying to get their arms around the cross. Aaron and an Aussie named Badman (both honeymooners) were the most keen on succeeding, and after many attempts and lots of collaboration on best technique they were the only two to succeed. Needless to say they both did find there one true love in Ireland, 'each
Celtic crossCeltic crossCeltic cross

Aaron hugging the cross
other'! After this we stopped in a town called Omagh and then it was back on the road to get to Derry. Once in Derry we were all settled in the hosel and went on a walking tour of Derry, which took us on the walls of Derry. Some of the most complete city walls remaining in Europe. We developed a dislike for one of the old American guys on our tour, due to his pure ignorance and arogance when the topic of the troubles in Northeren Ireland was discussed. We had a great night in Derry, went down to a local pub where a traditional Irish band was playing. Aaron made friends with this old guy named Deklan who in his drunk state was extremley difficult to undertstand. The only words we manged to make out from time to time was him looking at Aaron and saying "geez ur a big fokker".

The next day we made our way to Belfast and stopped at the Giants Causeway for a couple of hours. This was fantastic, absoutely incredible to see. We then drove down to Belfast where we went on a black taxi tour of the catholic side and the protestant side of Blefast. This was so interesting, we learnt lots that day and I think that both of us have an even greater apreciation for what the Irish have gone though.

The next day was Belfast to Galway, this was a long driving day and Unfortunately I had picked up a cold at the beginning of our trip so I was not feeling all that amazing. We stopped at a waterfall and lake where W.B. Yeats spent much time, we were then off to Sligo, which is a surf beach on the coast, for Lunch. In Galway that night Aaron introduced the group to Monopoly deal while I got an early night.

Galway to Killarney was broken up by a stop at the Cliffs of Moher. Killarney was a great nigt out. We had a fantastic pub dinner with the whole group and then went to a pub where a band was playing. We had a great night, Aaron had probably too good a night because the next day he was very very unwell.

Day 5 was Killarney to Dingle which was a very cute little fishing village at the start of the Dingle Peninsula. I walked around the town while Aaron slept on a bench at the waterfront. The rest of the afternoon was spent navagating the winding roads of the pinisula. Our final night was spent in a place called Anascaul, which was situated next to a pub called the "Randy Leprechaun" where friday nights are karaoke night. I was feeling terrible but we still managed to get up there and sing a few songs. We went to bed a little earlier than the others as by this stage Aaron was also coming down with a cold. I am very glad we did as the next day there were alot of people who were a little under the weather to say the least.

The last day was a long drive back to Dublin with a stop at the Blarney castle castle where Aaron kissed the Blarney stone, not that he needs more gift of the gab but he did anyway. I passed on this as I am not to sure about kissing a stone that millions of other peple have kissed. I think the best part about the castle was the poisonous garden that they have planted. It was pretty cool seeing these ridiculously poisonous plants including Wolfbane, Wormwood, and Marijuana. The last stop of the trip was the Guiness factory where after being in Ireland for a week Aaron discovered his love of Guiness.

The end of the tour was sad as we got on so well with everyone in the group but all good things come to an end. I am sure we will remain close friends with many of them. It is now off to Manchester to see some of my old friends. Good bye Ireland, it was great.

Additional photos below
Photos: 25, Displayed: 25



Gates separating the Catholic area and the Protestant area.

Peace wall in Belfast
A waterfall A waterfall
A waterfall

W.B Yeats spent alot of time here aparently.

Night Out
Hung Over AaronHung Over Aaron
Hung Over Aaron

Aaron sleeping it off after the big night out in Killarney.

Aaron kissing the Blarney stone
Poisonous GardenPoisonous Garden
Poisonous Garden

Contained every kind of deadly plant you could think of.

6th July 2011

Irish heritage satisfied?
Looks and sounds like you had a good time...What about the potatoes?
8th July 2011

The irish really do eat a lot of potatoes!!! Aaron and I did not want to see another chip by the end of the trip.

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