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Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin
May 17th 2007
Published: May 17th 2007
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It was our first sunny day in Ireland. When we flew in the island was completely obscured by cloud cover. I (John) didn't sleep on the plane because I didn't want to miss it. Anyhow, the city looked different, and the temperture went up by at least 20 degrees. Yesterday, we saw several cathedrals, and a museum. Today, we spent most of the morning getting to and in Collin barracks. It was a Brittish military training ground that was recently turned into the "Decorative Arts & History Museum." It was much more interesting then it sounds. There was an exhibit on the history of Irish soldiers, from medieval times, to fighting in foriegn wars in the armies of England's enemies, to the World Wars, and present military operations. There was also an exhibit on the Easter Rising. I went to it while Janie caught up on her journaling. We also saw evidendence of the uprising in 1916 on the post office, which did not repair the scars from bullets. Tomorrow we set out on the Wicklow Way. It's about 7 miles from our starting point in south Dublin to our hotel in Knockree. I'm really looking forward to the sites and views.

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18th May 2007

Hey guys! It looks like you are having fun. Add more pictures! Don’t forget to include ones of John NOT wearing his hat so that we can see his super villain likeness. :)
18th May 2007

Hey guys! It looks like you are having fun. Add more pictures!

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