Some gastronomy aka pictures of food!

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Europe » Hungary
August 25th 2017
Published: August 25th 2017
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Last night I had my goulash soup and Vard had some sort of skewer extraordinaire. We were sitting in a pretty restaurant on a square listening to the dulcet 60's stylings of somebody or other. It was nice and wine was only four bucks a glass. Bonus! This morning we went more on the high end where we had fancy breakfast. Pretty soon we're going to check our suitcases here at the hotel and take the other bus tour. Then we'll go check in to our boat! I won't try to caption the pictures, as that didn't seem to work. Just food and where we ate this morning. Forints are flying out of our pockets!

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26th August 2017
"American Pancakes"

American pancakes...
I guess that's like when we make "chinese food"....
29th August 2017
"American Pancakes"

Hahaha....I think you're right!

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