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Europe » Hungary
August 24th 2017
Published: August 24th 2017
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Our hotel. The longboats dock right here, but unfortunately, not ours.
We arrived in budapest safe and sound at some time in the recent's fairly blurry for me now. :-) We kept on expecting that somewhere we would go through customs but it never happened. We went through a passport check in Amsterdam where the guy never even asked us a question, even though he was grilling others as to their purpose and background. Travel tip: be old and Canadian -- everyone trusts you. In the Amsterdam airport we had a croquette (recommended by Sharon. Pretty yummy.

Once we got to Budapest, there were no impediments to leaving the airport, and we took a cab straight here. We found a drugstore to buy some cola and went to this really cool hookah place under the Chain Bridge, where being old wasn't as advantageous -- ignored and denied a table on the terrace. Boooo! We did, however, share a burger and have the best fries I've ever had in my (long) life.

This morning we took a hop on - hop off bus and then a short river cruise. I'm having Hungarian Goulash for supper, no matter what!

I'll try now to post some pictures.

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We were up sold to a river view...$150 but worth it.

This guy (I think ) was tragically pushed down a hill and died. Which I thought sounded pretty funny. Nobody died from rolling down a hill in The Princess Bride. Then we learned that he was in a barrel of nails. More ouchy....

From our cruise. Eighty percent of the buildings here were destroyed during the war and have been rebuilt.

I bought a fedora at Sears "nobody works here and everybody hates us" sale.

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