Shameless and offensive tourists with fake vampire teeth

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Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest » Pest
October 3rd 2009
Published: October 3rd 2009
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We made it through Romania and came back to Budapest this afternoon. I never thought I'd be so happy to be in Hungary again. Romania was the most interesting country we went to, but only because of its challenge and bizarreness. The people in Romania were very nice and helpful, but the policemen were a little odd. Again today on the train back we kept getting asked and asked again for tickets or passports. They would disappear with our passports, which made me uneasy. One policeman began questioning us where we went in Romania. In the middle of me listing off all the places we went he abruptly stormed off with our passports. At one point when they were asking, yet again, for our tickets the Romanian woman in the cabin with us said something snarky to him and they stopped asking us after that.
Other than that Romania was great. Yes, a little uncomfortable and chaotic but not enough to ruin the experience. From Brasov we visited the Bran Castle where Dracula was based. We had to take a horrible smelly bus there and it wasn't very interesting, but luckily I did bring fake vampire teeth. We were able to liven up the trip with a series of secret and inappropriate photos.
After Brasov we went to Sighisoara, the birth place of Vlad the Impaler. Of course we had to be shameless tourists and drink wine in the house where he was born, now a cheesy and over-priced restaurant. We also took more inappropriate pictures with fake vampire teeth. It was a strange little town where people still use horse-drawn carriage for daily transport. In fact, during all of our long and horrible train trips through Romania I never saw farm machinery. They still use horses for agriculture there. Also, on a side note, the toilets on the train were terrible. They're not actually toilets at all, but just a hole and when you look down the toilet you can see the train tracks going by. It was the same way in India though, so I kept thinking that at least here they have a toilet seat to sit on. And on another side note today I accidentally bought ham-flavored cheese for our train ride so we only had bread and water for seven hours. At first I was intrigued with the thought of combining a ham and cheese sandwich into one convenient cheese spread, but soon decided that anything that's artificial ham flavoring is never a good idea.


4th October 2009

So you really did do it, huh?? I knew Sara took fake vampire teeth but never thought you would actually do that. . what was I thinking. . of course you would do that. . .you wouldn't have traveled half way around the world and miss a photo opportunity like that. Atta girls. . proud of you! Loved talking to you both today. . .can't wait to see you back home again. Love ya!!

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