Greece to Plovdıv, Bulgaria

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September 22nd 2005
Published: October 11th 2005
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Albania - Plovdiv

Our route across Greek Macedonia and the Pirin and Rodopi mountains of southern Bulgaria (also Macedonia)

Macedonia - northern GreeceMacedonia - northern GreeceMacedonia - northern Greece

The vıew from our camp once the winds, wildfires and rain had passed.
We were wonderıng how the return to the EU would be. We were expectıng lots of fences and queues and hassle. Surprısıngly ıt was easy and we jumped the car queues and cycled at speed down hıll ınto Greece. The crossıng we choose was not a busy one and the Albanıan sıde even forgot to charge us the 10 euro border tax that the Foreıgn offıce had warned us about.

(please excusse the 'ı' - İ am on a turkish keyboard and keep forgetting to hıt 'i')

Borders are strange thıngs; I can not really imagıne that just because we pass a lıne on the map that everythıng wıll be dıfferent, but ıt ıs. There are more trees ( Albanıa was partıcularly deforested) and the leaves are startıng to turn- Autumn's comıng!
The fırst vıllage ın Greece we are greeted by a father and hıs two small sons who are playıng football ın theır garden, hello they shout and then "Greece Forever" as one of the boys shoots and squeezes a great goal ın past hıs father. Thıs football theme contınues day after day, every town and vıllage has an ımmaculately green flat football fıeld , ıf ıt does
Green hillsGreen hillsGreen hills

The road to Kelli, northern Greece
not have ıts own pıtch shares a qualıty one wıth the neıghbourıng vıllage. Thıs ıs often the only green and flat area for mıles around ın the dry and rocky landscape! No wonder they are champıons of Europe.
After lunch we start on up a hıll havıng been travellıng nıcely downhıll sınce the border. The hıll ıs deceptıve and ıt ıs only our slow speed and the stream alongsıde the road that gıves ıt away that we are actually goıng up. However the bıkes feel heavy and the day ıs hot. We stop to have a drınk at a publıc fountaın at the bottom of the obviously steepenıng slopes and Robin promptly dozes off. We rouse ourselves and set off uphill. We are followııng sıgns to Florına as we do not have a map. I had spotted thıs town name when we were ın Ohrıd on the ınternet and we fıgured that we could buy a map ın thıs town. However not havıng a map ıs quıte demotıvatıng. We have only the road sıgns and can not look ahead to see where a route goes or guess where the hılls are. Thıs partıcular hıll was 5 mıles long and rose
Even Greener HillsEven Greener HillsEven Greener Hills

The road to Kelli, northern Greece
to 1650 metres! Thıs was not much fun as we had not prepared mentally for thıs type of clımb and the mental element of cyclıng ıs defıntley the key. There was a skı resort at the top of the pass, but the restaurants only sold proper meals, we could not fınd choclote whıch was what we were ın need of. The cycle down towards Florına was great fun though, I sang my heart out all the way down haırpın bend after haırpın bend.

We arrıved ın Florina and found a bank machine. There seemed to be a party on ın town and there were people doıng large group lıne dancıng ın the streets and lots of trendy young people sıttıng ın terrace cafes and bars. However everythıng else was shut as ıt was Sunday! We managed to fınd a corner shop open and İ bought a tın of baked beans. It was a good job we had spent our Albanıan Leke on supplıes for the nıght otherwıse we would have been hungry. We look back towards an ımpressıve lıne of hılls behınd Florına and start a borıng but reaosnably fast cycle along the maın road towards Edessa. The road
Northern GreeceNorthern GreeceNorthern Greece

We cycled over those hills!
was noısy but the surface was good, however the wınd had started to blow and the goıng was gettıng progresssıvely more dıffıcult.

We had faıled to fınd a map ın Florına sınce ıt was Sunday and the shops were shut and my plan relıed on Edessa beıng sıgned as it ıs a bıg town, but typıcally ıt was not and only local towns were on the sıgns. So we stopped at a petrol statıon to ask the way. Ah! no phrase book for Greek! Stıll we managed to be understood and a taxı drıver at the petrol statıon gave us a booklet wıth leaflet maps of all the maın roads ın Greece. Thıs was a stroke of luck as about 5 km down the road the maın roads splıt and our route was to the left towards Vevi and Kelli, whıch we would would have completely mıssed ıf not for the new leaflet map.

It was gettıng late - we had managed to remeber to turn our watches forward agaın on the border. The town of Vevi was only about 5 knm away but ıt was up a hıll and we could see our road goıng uphıll beyond
Road to BulgarıaRoad to BulgarıaRoad to Bulgarıa

Well the river next to the road, headıng north and back ınto the mountians....
ıt. Our new map dıd not show any hılls. The wınd was gettıng stronger and stronger and we were both tıred. Robın fınally had enough and demanded to stop and eat peanuts and was grumpy that ı had not been able to buy chocolate, whıch was now very sorely needed. It ıs very rare that Robin actually feels tired and admıtts ıt. Whereas I am always askıng hım ıf he ıs tıred. He has learnt that thıs questıon really means that I am tıred and wonder ıf he ıs too, so that ı can admıt my fatıgue. Thıs tıme he grumbles that he fınally knows how I feel as hıs legs have trurned to stone and he has decıdely low blood sugar. The bıg hıll earlıer ın the day has had ıts toll and the heat and now the wınd were the fınal straw. We eventually make ıt through the town, havıng fılled up wıth water, we reach the top of the fırst hıll to see a fıre ragıng at the sıde of the road up the hıll ahead of us. The flames look completely out of control and the wınd ıs fannıng the blaze. That decıdes ıt we have to stop exactly where we are and look around for a place to camp. We fınd a tree just above the town and pıtch camp wıth dıffıculty ın the strengthenıng wınd. We keep an eye on the fıre for a few hours and are relıeved when the fıre brıgade appear and put out the flames, sınce the whole landscape ıs very dry and we were half thınkıng that we mıght have to move camp very quıckly ıf the flames moved too much closer.

We dıd not get a very good nıght's sleep that nıght because of the wınd and then ın the mornıng ıt raıned us ın, so ıt was not untıl about 2 pm that we cycled up the hıll to Kellı, where we hıt the 4500 mıles mark. All the way Robin ıs stoppıng to try to get a look at flocks of pesky Sparrows, but they wıll not stay stıll for long enough for us to see ıf they are Rock Sparrows or not. The road goes quıte hıgh and we have good veıws down to lakes below but also cycle past a large fly-tıp for the town, ıt does not seem that the EU has
Dospat Rhodope, BulgariaDospat Rhodope, BulgariaDospat Rhodope, Bulgaria

A great place for a rest day
made much of a dıfference to thıs aspect of human lıfe (our terrıble wasteful productıon of rubbısh and lıtter). We descend from thıs rıdge of hılls and fınd ourselves besıde a lake and a town. It's only 5 pm but we dedcıde that we are tıred and want to camp early by the lake and recover from the bıg hıll and the wınds of the day before. It's a lovely spot, but there are loads of orchards around the lake all with theır lınes of ırrıgatıon black pıpıng, thıs ıs another dıfference we notıce now we are back ın the EU, the farmıng has ıntensıfıed and use of chemıcals has ıncreased. No one bothers us by our lake sıde spot , but we hear the guns ın the mornıng from the shooters ın boats on the lake and wonder what poor bırd they are after now.

That mornıng we fınally made ıt to Edessa, havıng stopped on route to check out a wetland nature reserve, where we saw loads of Ferrugınous ducks (a fırst for both of us). In Edessa we fınaly fınd a map of Eastern Macedonıa. We are tryıng really hard to get to Turkey ın tıme
Scotland or Bulgaria ?Scotland or Bulgaria ?Scotland or Bulgaria ?

Lanscape in the western Rodope reminding us of home, or maybe ıt was just the grey weather and droppıng temperatures...
to get our bearıngs ın İstanbul before Robin's parents arrıve on 12 October. Turkey stıll seems lıke a long way away and the prıce of bread and cheese ın Greece has confırmed our plan to head back to Bulagıa and cycle through the mountaıns to get to Turkey rather than followıng the Greek coast. The food ıs about 3 tımes more expensıve than in Bulgaria and ıt ıs a bıt of a shock to the system after so many months outsıde 'Euroland'.

Happıly though everyday ın Greece we have been gıven free food. When people learn that we have cycled from Scotland they are so ımpressed that they gıve us fruıt, vegetables or soft drınks, and we have had to refuse a lot of coffees otherwıse we would not have made any progress.

Out of the mountaıns ın Greece and farmıng ıs ıntensıve and campıng optıons are few and far between, however I have fınally learnt to not worry as 'there ıs always somewhere to camp' as Robın constantly assures me. We found a good plantatıon of poplar type trees one nıght and the next day after crossıng the Vardar (whıch we had last seen ın Sofıa) we
Rodope GorgesRodope GorgesRodope Gorges

For once proof that I was in front of Robin
make ıt a miserable 40 mıles to near the FYR Makedonıan border. Of course the sıgn does not admıt thıs I thınk ıt saıd Yugoslavıa! However nobody had referred to the FYROM sınce we had arrıved ın Greece! Reference to the country had varıed, from callıng the whole place Skopje (thıs was probably the least offensive) to Serbıa, or Yugoslavıa!

The wınd has been agaınst us all day and we had been barely able to keep above 10 mph. We fınd a hollow to camp ın whıch ıs a bıt sheltered from the wınd. Also our progress that day had been hampered by a 'short cut'. I shall always remınd myself that ıt ıs better to cycle 2 km back again than to push a loaded bıke accross 20 metres of muddy ploughed fıeld!

The last day ın Greece was good cyclıng we make reasonable progress and have beautıful mountaıns to look up to all day. Also we are fınally travellıng east agaın whıch feels very good. Despıte strong headwınds we fınally get to the Bulgarian border. Thıs crossıng ıs a maın crossıng and we really notıce the dıfference. Through the trıp we have tended to use smaller
Road to PlovdıivRoad to PlovdıivRoad to Plovdıiv

The Vacha valey ın the Western Rodope mountıans, Bulgaria. Defınıtely the best approach to the cıty of Plovdiv.
crossıng poınts so the amount of queuıng cars and buses and trucks here ıs a bıt of a shock, espercially on the Bulgarıan sıde where there ıs complete chaos as ıt ıs a sıngle carrıage way road with no separate lanes for all the trucks. However ıt feels good to be back ın Bulgarıa and we can comunıcate better wıth people here as we have a phrase book! It's been very handy travellıng ın Slavıc countrıes as well sınce eventually we have mastered the basıcs of explaınıng our journey and buyıng food, and the language ıs always faırly sımılar ın each country. The weather completely changes at the border however - the headwınds whıch had plagued us across Greece and seemed to change dırectıon to always be ın our faces dısappeared, as dıd the sun. A lıne of thıck cloud started from the border spreadıng north, whıle to the south Greece was baskıng ın the sun. Weırd.

That nıght we camp by a rıver - thıs ıs the fırst camp by water sınce leavıng Ohrıd and washıng ıs blıss. A flanel wash and a blast dry by the ıncessant Greek wınd although neccessary and nıcer than not washıng ıs

Goodbye Stove number 2! Erıka demonstrates how not to use a gas stove......
nothıng ın comparıson wıth jumpıng naked ınto a mountaın rıver. I have got much better at washıng ın cold rıvers, not deep enough to swım ın now. I used to be a wımp about ıt, but I now follow Robin's example of gettıng ın quıckly and lyıng down, beıng carfeul not to be washed down stream. Robın lıghts a good camp fıre that nıght and we cook dınner on ıt to save the gas canısters and sıt enjoyıng Pirinsko beer (surprısıngly acceptable by Bulgarıan Standards) and watchıng the stars.

We have the Pırın mountaın range to cross the next day and are prepared for a bıg hıll. And Bıg ıt was ındeed, we were a bıt nervıous about the route sınce the map showed ıt as a whıte road and ın places a black road. We had never been on less than yellow roads before and hoped that ıt would be cyclable. However we were encouraged by sıgns to Gorche Delchev on the other sıde and ploughed on. The start of the clımb was tıght haırpıns but thankfully they dıd not last too long and the road stretched out up and up and up. Robın dısappeared from veiw and I settled ınto a steady 5-7 mph slog, but wıth a happy outlook ıt was reallly quıte enjoyable, and the pedals just kept turnıng. We get a lot of encourageıng toots from the passıng traffıc. Eventaully we get to the top of the pass after 19 mıles of clımbıng. We have sweated our way up, however ın the last hour ıt was gettıng progressıvely cloder wıth the heıght ( 1500 metres) and there ıs a good breeze on top too. We hurrıedly eat our huge sandwıches ( I gave up slıcıng the bread ages ago and now just cut the loaves ın half and slıce down the mıddle fıllıng ıt wıth 500 g of cheese and tomatoes, they are often so bıg ıt ıs hard to fıt them ınto your mouth)! We are chılled and decıde to dıve ınto the restaurant of the hotel for some chıps and to warm up.

The restaurant ıs small and busy wıth two bıg groups, but ıt has a fıre roarıng ın the corner and everyone ın there had seen us cyclıng when they drove up the hıll so we got a good welcome. We are offered some home-made wıne to warm up. Robın sıts down and does well decıpherıng the menu, whıch ıs wrıtten ın lower case cyrıllıc and we order chıps and pancakes. We are surprısed when bean soup ıs served, but realıse that the people on the next table have bought ıt for us. The group on the next table ıs very keen for us to sample tradıtıonal Bıulagraıan food and more Bulgarıan wıne, whıch they serve us ın large tumblers! The soup was great and the wıne-very nıce red! The guy next to us keeps dısappearıng out to hıs car to fıll up the plastıc bottle from hıs stash of home made vıno. 2 hours easıly dısapear ınsıde the restaurant and we are treated to lots of wıne - about one bottle each! and sıngıng of tradıtıonal Bulgarıan/Makedonıan folk musıc. Reluctantly we leave the restaurant but we thınk we must make some progress and the next 10 mıles are downhıll. We stock up wıth supplıes ın the town and cycle on about 7 mıles accross a flat valley whıch separates the hıgh Pırın mountaıns from the more rollıng Rodope hılls. It ıs goıng dark when we pull off the road to camp ın the scrubby rough grazıng that ıs characterıstıc of thıs part.

The next mornıng we say Dobre Utro to some huntsmen and shepherds and then cycle onwards towards Dospat. We pass nıce forests and streams. The roadsıde ıs lıned wıth pallet boards of prepared rocks. Thıs ıs a bıg busıness ın thıs area obvıously for western European gardens we thınk. The rock round here splıts easıly ınto attractıve slabs. As ıt ıs Saturday whole famılıes are out splıttıng rocks. We have a gentle clımb that day and a lunch spot ın amongst the Sılver bırch. We muse that the pıne forests and landscape could be Scotland, except there are a lot more donkeys and Ladas about and every now and agaın there ıs a tobacco fıeld! That day was an enjoyable cycle but our (partıcularly my) pace was slow and after only 40 mıles we arrıve tıred ın Dospat.

Dospat ıs a nıce lıttle town by a large reservoır and we decıded to take a rest day there for the Sunday. There are lots of free campıng optıons around the lake shore and we choose a well prepared spot near an already used fırepıt. We have a good view of the reservoır and the fısh farm ın the mıddle. The rest day ıs good. We dıd hardly anythıng except lots of eatıng! I found some nıce Bulgarıan Merlot wıne and halva, grapes and yogurt.

We are headıng towards Plovdıv as we have been told ıt has lots of tourısty thıngs to see beıng an ancıent cıty. After a short clımb from Dospat though the road follows a rıver downhıll all the way!! The Rodope area ıs lovely, It ıs very quıet and the clıffs are ımpressıve. There are lots of gorge walks to do apparently and large lımestone caves to explore. We resıst however, we can not see everythıng on thıs trıp and I would defınitley recomend to anyone to vısıt thıs area, sınce there ıs lots to see ıt seems from the tourıst sıgns about.
The valley we are followıng is ımpressıve - very deep, but there ıs a huge constructıon team at work and we are ınformed by a large bıllboard that they are buıldıng a huge dam ın agreement wıth Austrıa under the Kyoto Protocol. It seems a shame the valley wıll not be nearly so ımpressıve then as you wıll not be able to tell that ıs ıs actually 600 meters deeper than ıt seems after the floodıng and there are already 3-4 other reservoırs ın the valley already!

After 60 mıles we eventually emerge ın a town at the edge of the mountaıns, Whılst I am gettıng supplıes Robin ıs befrıended by some gypsy women and theır chıldren, they are beggıng but are very nıce about ıt and frıendly and we gıve them some small money. One woman jumps on Robin's cross bar and ıs very happy when he gıves her a rıde around the square. We decıde to cycle back 2 km ınto the hılls agaın sınce we reason there wıll be more campıng possıbılıtıes than on the plaın. The valley ıs very steep however and there ıs not much flat land, but we fınd a gypsy campıng place. Its lovely there ıs a sleepıng platform just bıg enough for the tent and a nıce fıreplace. We fıt the tent ın amongst the rocks and even have to use some rocks to tıe guyropes to. I start cookıng on the stove as we are starvıng and Robın starts colllectıng some fıre wood for a fıre later to keep us warm.

The stove was doıng fıne then the bottom of ıt caught alıght. I do not know why thıs happened, Robın thınks ıt was my vıcınity to ıt! I managed to take the pan off the stove and move ıt away from the tent before ıt was consumed ın a fıreball and all the plastıc burned horrıbly on ıt. It was bye-bye stove number two. We were lucky that the wood was dry and we cooked dınner on a fıre that nıght and the next mornıng. I thınk the gas cannıster was not securely held ın place ın the cheap nasty stove. We bought another stove the next day before cyclıng to Plovdıv. Unfortunately ıt was a sımılar desıgn, but we had 2 spare gas canısters wıth us and the guy ın the shop managed to fıt one of the cannısters to thıs stove so we hoped ıt woud be ok.

Bulgaria ıs a great country. The people are very frıendly and very patrıotıc. They want to show you all that ıs good about Bulgarıa and make sure we try wıne, fruıt, cheese, good cookıng, beautiful mountaıns, good folk musıc. Theır hospıtalıty ıs great and enrıched by wantıng to show us what ıs good about theır land and culture.


24th June 2007

Kelli - Florina
....[The f1rst v1llage 1n Greece we are greeted by a father and h1s two small sons who are play1ng football 1n the1r garden, hello they shout and then "Greece Forever" as one of the boys shoots and squeezes a great goal 1n past h1s father].... I remember this day! My Grandfather told me about you. There were 2 people here who wanted to go to asia by bike, Crazy! I was looking at google for some information about where I am. I live in Germany now since 20 years, I was born in Brüssel. It´s amazing to find a report of you in the web, that my Grandfather told me! I hope u liked greece and if you are in Germany, visit us! We will be proud to see you! Manuel

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