Bamburg, Germany

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Europe » Germany
August 18th 2014
Published: August 18th 2014
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Hard to believe it is already day 9 of this trip.

Today we visited Bamburg, a cute little city nestled along the Danube-Main canal. Again, a wealth of history flows through these streets. Bamburg is also a medieval city but unlike yesterday in Nurmburg, this city did not suffer the damage from bombings during the war. it was minimal here. As a result, many of the original town's timber constructed buildings are still standing- 800 years later!!! The cathedral, though it was burned to the ground twice due to the use of real candles to light the interior, was originally built in 1008 and rebuilt in 1228 after the last fire. Wandering the narrow streets in the pouring rain (again) called for a pint of the local "smoky beer". It tasted like beer and bacon. Arnet was not fond of it. I am sticking to the local pale ale. Much more pleasant though more bitter that what I am use to.

Sure hope this weather clears soon or looking at our pictures, ppl will think the only clothes I brought is my hat, a raincoat and a red umbrella the ship provides- just in case! Ha ha.

Mouahhhh all,



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