Museum Island

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Europe » Germany
August 2nd 2014
Published: August 11th 2014
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Today I decided to visit Museum Island in Berlin, Germany. Museum Island is a set of different museums all taking part of the Berlin State Museums. The five Museums are Altes Museum which is Old Museum, The Neues Museum which is the new museum, the Alte Nationalgalerie which is the Old National Gallery, the Bode Museum, and the Pergamon Museum. The first hall was built in 1797. Today the museums look amazing every pillar is enormous and beautiful truly a beautiful site to see. The Museum that I admired the most was the Alte Nationalgalerie, also known as the Old National Gallery. This building was established in 1861 and holds art collections in impressionist and some modernist artwork. The collection are amazing they also hold Neoclassical and Romantics. Truly a site to see nothing like American museums. Im truly blessed to have been able to come down to Berlin and see these beautiful painting and amazing museums and architecture.


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