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November 2nd 2007
Published: November 2nd 2007
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So, I leave TOMORROW! Holy cow!

There are lots of details I still don't have, which makes me a little nervous, but it will all work out, right? Trusting God...

But, here are some things you guys can be praying for and about while I'm away.
Saturday/Sunday Travel Ex 13:21
Monday/Tuesday Load-in Psalm 90:17 & Phil 2:14-15
Wednesday Rehearsals Isa 57:14 & Isa 62:10
Thursday Program Rom 15:16a & Jonah 4:2
Friday Program/Load-out 1 Tim 1:12
Saturday Travel/Breakouts Isa 33:2
Sunday Travel Psalm 5:11
Monday GIVE THANKS II Cor 1:11b, I Chron 16:8, Psalm 75:1 & Psalm 107:31

Oh yeah, and I have mono. A lot of the symptoms are gone, but I'm still quite tired and achy. Please throw that in too. Thanks! I love you all. The muskrat and I are going to all nations and making disciples.


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