First exam down and with great results =)

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January 20th 2006
Published: January 20th 2006
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Sorry guys, I'm like bouncing off the walls with excitement. Just got back from my exam in my Introduction to International Relations and International Politics: .The Europeanization of national international, security and development politics. The oral exam was about 30 min. long, but I really wasn't that nervous. The first few questions that he asked me didn't even have to do with the class. They were about difference I've noticed between Universities in the US and Germany and what students expect. Also differences in the political culture between the two countries. After that he asked questions about the course.... most of which were questions on things that I didn't study. I studied the things that came up multiple times in class, thinking those would most likely be one's to come up. Nope... not really. Although I did have to compare theories and I had studied all those. But I still did really well.. He's gonna give me an A-/B+ in the class!!!!! =) =) =) I'm sooooooo excited. I never even imagined that I would get anything close to an A. hehe He's a nice Prof. He also said that I should get in touch with him when I'm back at Hamline to let him know how things are going. I think I got really lucky with my prof. Jaime had almost the same class (The first half of the course, the part we were here for is the same) with another professor and he marked off points if she didn't answer a question fast enough. Hello... it's in German... of course we're gonna answer slower. anyways.... I'm just sooo excited!!

So now that I got that out... what have I been up to besides studying? Not a whole lot.. that's taken up most of my time, but I have managed to squeeze some other things in there.

Tue. Matt, Jaime and I went to Astrix for the last time together. There have been some good times shared in Astrix. The first couple months we were in Trier we probablly ate there just about every week. So it was a difinite must before Jaime took off. That was good times. We ended up running into Kari, the professor from Hamline that takes care of the study abroad students. We briefly talked with her and guess what... she just now mentioned to us that when we have our oral exams there has to be a witness there too. She finds it necessary to mention after Jaime has taken all her exams and not even a week before mine. So sorry... that's not happening. Not been really happy with Kari, but that's a whole nother story I won't get into. She is nice though. But anyway, the three of us had a good time hanging out. Unfortunately we couldn't hang out longer in the city as we all had things that had studying to do and Jaime had packing and cleaning in addition to that.

Wed. Spent the day studying. In the evening I made dinner for Matt, Nils, and Jaime. It was a farewell dinner for Jaime. She flew back to MN early Thur. morning. Dinner was fun. We always have a good time hanging out. Conversation is always so engaging with them. It was wierd to say good-bye to Jaime though. It was especially weird on Thur. when I looked out my window and saw her blinds shut. I can't look out my window anymore and see her sitting at her desk doing something on her computer or talk to her from my window. It's strange. It really made me realize that it's all coming to an end here. On the one hand I'm glad it's almost over 'cause I'm tired of my classes, but on the other hand it's almost over. It means that I'll soon have to leave the life I've built here behind. I've gotten used to living here. I like the city. The more I live here, the more I like my little apartment and I keep thinking of things I could get for it or ways to decorate it if I were staying longer. I'm also now at a point where I feel I really have friends here and if I were staying longer we'd have more time to do things together. I've finally gotten used to the University system... it's all familiar now. Now that it has to end.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to be going to Kenya. But it's kind of snuck up on me (I'm flying in 15 days!!!). And I think right before you leave a place you've called home for a while you get a little nostalgic. I finally really really feel like I know what's going on here, how to do things here, the best way to get around, the best places to go grocery shopping, all the little things and it's just about time for me to leave it all behind to start all over again. It's kind of scary and almost overwhelming thinking about it. But at the same time. It's the newness that I love. =) It's very exhausting, but it's sooo thrilling and engaging. Oh well... enough brooding.... It was just weird being hit with the reality of it after Jaime left. Like today when I got back from my exam and was sooooo excited. There was no Jaime there to share my excitement with from our windows. Just weird.

Well, that pretty much sums up my week. Was supposed to go visit my cousin Bryan this weekend, but it turns out he has to work. bummer... just have to live with it. On the bright side I get to spend my last weekend here with friends =) That'll be fun. I should get going now. Gotta go talk to the caretaker about moving out next week and what all I have to do. Also have to set up a meeting with them to walk through the apartment to make sure I didn't ruin anything. Hope you all have a fantabulous day. I know I will!!! Nothing can damp my spirits today. =) I passed my first exam!!!!!! =) =)


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