Visiting My German Roots!

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March 4th 2008
Published: March 4th 2008
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Ciao Everyone! I am in the midst of finals week, thus this entry might be a little shorter than usual. I have already completed two presentations, a 15 page paper, and a mini essay on why the Sistine Chapel is relevant today---woooh! Now I am in the middle of studying for Italian class, and Intercultural Communication, and yes of course, Ancient Roman Civilization-so much to do, so little time! I feel like Finals have kept me from my usual exploring these past two weeks, but I can't forget, I am here for school...darn!

Anyway, I had the wonderful chance of exploring my German roots this weekend, and made way to Berlin!! I spent two days there, and it wasn't how I expected it-in a good way. Berlin is way more lively and active than I ever thought, and the food is spectacular. I got the chance of having an authentic German dinner, and consumed a 100% genuine German braut, and a traditional flavored beer--when the French came, they hated the taste of beer, so flavors were added in the forms of berry (there is red and green)! Probably the best of Germany though besides the cuisine was the four hour FREE walking tour we got of the city!! The tour group was sponsored by the hotel we stayed at, and only accept tips, because they believe you should only pay if you have a good experience. One of the most memorable sites she took us to was the Holocaust Memorial-Germany's way of apologizing for what happened. Below it is a museum, which I went down into the next day, also for free, to alert people to the atrocities of what happened-very sad, but worthwhile to view. In the actual memorial, it is a bunch of cement blocks set up, and as you walk through, you feel lost, and almost suffocated as the blocks get bigger, to represent how those of the Holocaust felt. Also, there is a special coating over the cement to prevent any damage, put on by a man who was involved in the Holocaust--his way of saying sorry in a small way, by helping with the memorial.

Also...She took us to Hitler's Bunker, which was very creepy. We stood on the street above where his bunker was buried below us. It was strange, because where we were standing was a simple parking lot, and below was history. She said they could not directly label the site, for neo nazis today might put flowers there-sick to think about. On a lighter note, she said dogs poop on that spot everyday, making it the perfect memorial! After the bunker, we were shown where Holocaust book burnings occurred, Humboldt University, French and German churches, main market squares, and of course, the big arch way into Berlin, representing where people could enter after the fall of the Berlin Wall. After viewing the arch, we saw the Berlin Wall, and the SS Officers Headquarters, and the next day viewed Parliament. Walking through ancient history in another country was refreshing, just as it was in Poland. Everyone told me that before I left for Berlin, I would be amazed at how much has gone on, and how much the people of Berlin have been through. Everyone was definitely right: the history WAS surprising and very interesting to learn! I felt very privileged to be able to see all of this, in just one weekend.

Next week, I am off to Naples, Capri and Pompeii! Then it's VERY hard to believe, it will be Spring Break!! Weds, I head off to Paris for five days, and Euro Disney here I come!!

Sorry this entry is short, but studying and finals are calling my name!!


4th March 2008

neat!! love these blogs-makes us feel like we see it thru you! have fun-be careful!

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