A day at the beach

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Europe » France
October 2nd 2008
Published: June 26th 2017
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Geo: 43.7042, 7.31015

A relaxing and enjoyable day. Having spent the last few days on the road it was great to stay in one place and enjoy doing a lot of nothing. We met with Brent and Marg at about 10am and set out to walk around the beach front to the town of Beaulieu-sur-mer another lovely place on the Cote D'Azur. This was where we were going to stay with our friend, Peter Thompson , but the irony is that Peter is in Brisbane at the moment!!
There was a large ocean liner at anchor in the bay and there were yachts out racing across the turquoise water. We had a leisurely stroll and went down to the harbour there for a look at the expensive motor launches and yachts in the marina. There were a number of people on the beach enjoying the sun. While Brent went for a swim we sought the relaxation of a nearby cafe where we chatted over a drink. On Brent's return we had a lovely lunch there with an entertaining waiter who amused us with his quips and antics. He certainly enjoyed his work.
A walk back to Villefranche and then a brief rest. At 5pm we all went to a local beach, well, pebbles, and went for a swim in the Mediterranean. It was cooler then and we didn't stay in long but I have now swum in two different seas on this trip. The day finished with some wine tasting down on the harbour walls, then a great Vietnamese dinner in Le Mekong. This was much better than our meal in Carcassone.
All in all a very pleasant day, a real beach holiday!! Tomorrow we head off to Borollo in Piedmont where Brent assures us there is good wine to be had.

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