Day Four: Carquefou to Shantonnay

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Europe » France
May 17th 2011
Published: May 17th 2011
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The brave three faced an easy day today after yesterdays exersions. The first twenty miles were along lovely roads past lots of vineyards. The next thirty miles were on the same road the D137 which meant there were fewer navigational issues to contend with! Lunch was had at a beautiful typical french bistro. The three arrived at Shantonnay at about 3pm and found their accomodation via the tourist information centre. A lovely day was had by all with temperatures reaching 25 in the afternoon.


Miles: 52.1
Total miles: 229.7
Ascent: 2142
Total Ascent: 11'940
Longest Straight: 5.4 miles
Longest Straight (with a slight kink): 8.2 miles
Vineyards seen: Loads
Chairs fallen off: John (1)
West-highland terriers seen: 1


Tot: 0.117s; Tpl: 0.009s; cc: 5; qc: 45; dbt: 0.0355s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb