Holidays to france

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Europe » France
February 6th 2008
Published: February 6th 2008
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A mystery tour

For many years, France was that mysterious place over the horizon whose shadowy cliffs could be faintly glimpsed from our local beach on a clear day.

Now, as an adult, I know what lies there - Calais and the open road beyond. Although I holiday there most years, however, the allure remains and I always look forward to the prospect of another visit.

I’ve been camping there, stayed in all kinds of accommodation in France ,ranging from mobile homes and hotels to self-catering properties ,since the early days of the Gite boom when local farmers, not Brits, formed the backbone of owners in the holiday rental market.

Why do I keep going back? Perhaps it’s the familiarity I like; the fact that it’s a foreign place, but not too foreign. There’s a particular kind of pleasure to be had from noting the similarities between cultures. It helps us to appreciate the differences.

Then again, perhaps it’s because I’ve encountered so many new experiences there - the one that springs most readily to mind being a great skiing holiday.

Or maybe it’s simply because I enjoy the great outdoors; there’s so much more of it to go around over there, to the extent that the French themselves seem to have little need - or desire - to desert their country for foreign shores in the high season. The weather is an added bonus, especially after a British summer like last year’s.

Whatever the reason, it never fails to surprise me how many people haven’t crossed the Channel and succumbed to the charm of a holiday in France, indeed, who professes not to like the place.

If you’re one of them, perhaps it’s time to think again before flying over this rich and varied country en-route to some far-flung corner of the globe. There are more reasons now than ever before to enjoy the perfect holiday destination on our doorstep. Perhaps I’ll bump into you there this year!


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