Day 20 of our 'virtual 'bike ride, Clitheroe to Lourdes. 23.5 miles

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Europe » France
March 4th 2021
Published: March 4th 2021
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For several different reasons, one being the forecast looked better, our ride today was this afternoon. We failed on the weather front as it was wet for the first few miles and just grey and breezy after that! It was just a standard 'Radio mast' loop today. Through Chatburn, Sawley, Bolton by Bowland, round the mast and home via Sawley and Chatburn. Our virtual journey would be another full day on the canal. Although this is relatively easy because its flat it also means there is no free wheeling so its pedaling all day. For some reason we hadn't bought lunch before setting off and hadn't seen anywhere on the canal side to buy picnic ingredients or a sandwich so early afternoon we decided we needed to leave the canal at the next place of any size to buy food. We passed a pub and headed towards the village which was one mile away according to the sign post. However, it soon became clear this would be one mile up a steep hill so we decided to return to the pub. (It was very hot and there was no guarantee we would find somewhere to buy food. Many shops close for a siesta over lunch time). We sat down in the shade outside the pub and asked for the menu. "Steak et frites". "Do you have sandwiches or anything else?". "No, it's steak et frites ". So, two steak et frites were ordered. I do not like chips and I am not keen on steak, especially when it comes practically raw! However, we needed food so I dutifully chewed my way through it, much to Paul's amusement. As I have said previously we have become much better at this buying food before we leave somewhere or at least knowing where the next shop is. We also always carry some spare nuts, crisps and a can of tuna. Our destination, for the night is the very small village of Chanoy.

Phots show our hotel in Chaumont, a small marina on route and buildings with muti-hued tiles.

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