What am I doing over here?

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Europe » France » Rhône-Alpes » Lyon
October 16th 2008
Published: October 16th 2008
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Hey everyone!

Things are great here in France! I am getting into the swing of teaching and having a blast! So I work at 3 different schools and kida do different thing at each. Albert Mouton, the first school, I work 3 hours on Monday and 3 hours on Thursday and then 3 hours each at the other schools (Guilloux, which I live right next to, and Paul Franz). So on Mondays I am sometimes in 1st grade classes and it cycles between other classes all the way up to 5th grade. Thursdays though I teach all the 4th graders (3 one hour classes). So Mondays are chill and I talk a lot about myself and America, while Thursdays are more learning English and a little bit of culture.

If that isn't confusing I still have the other 6 hours! At Guilloux I have 2 classes of English Level 1 and English Level 2 and in between I will again cycle between other 1st through 5th grade classes doing lesson on culture and holidays. At Paul Franz, I guess I will have 2 classes and one cycle class but they still havent figured out what exactly they are going to do with me lol. It seems pretty hectic but I like it!

I also got a job yesterday tutoring a couple middle schoolers in English. For 20 euro an hour!!! And hopefully the family that emailed me about doing some baby-sitting will get back to me and I'll be rolling in the dough! So as the days pass my schedule gets filled! Which is good for me since I am really in need of the money!

So work is great and I have met some other assistants in and around Lyon and they are great too! Trivia nights are great here and I've had some awesome dinners!

Hopefully I will be able to travel after next week since they have the Toussaint vacation (kinda like October break or Halloween break since they don't have a Thanksgiving break lol). I will hopefully have enough money to go to Paris and Bordeaux to visit friends. If you are around there let me know!!! No schedule as of yet but thats coming.

Still no internet chez moi but next Wednesday the 22nd a technicien will be there to set everything up. So I won't be able to talk online til then! Hopefully I can sign up for the unlimited calling to the US and call all of you! I think its only like an extra 7 euro a month and calling on my cell is expensive! That being said....all incoming calls are free so if you want to call me feel free! Just know that there is a 7 hour time difference.

I hope everything is going great in the States and I can't wait to hear from all of you! Send me your address or anything and I'll send a postcard lol! OH and I am accepting care packages with Portillo's Italian Beef, real Red Bull, Twizzlers and DVDs (movies or TV)!!!!!! But for real I would love to get anything from you guys! Emails, cards, packages....let me know whats going on!!

*************And one request...a lot of the kids over here want to know what us Americans have as Halloween candy. If you would like to send over a small bag or something of Nerds or Twizzlers they would love it! I would really appreciate it if anyone could send even a few things so I could share with them here. Just in case you didn't get it before my address is...**************************

Michelle Grzelak
16, rue Guilloux
69230 Saint-Genis Laval, FRANCE
Cell phone (call from US, dial all these numbers-->) - 011.336.

But if you send twizzlers I might just eat them all myself!

Weather is great here and I heard they only get snow like one or two days each winter!!!!! If you have any pictures of crawy snow days or outings please send them my way! Hopefully I will get to ski at some point in time since I'm only an hour away from the Alps!

Miss everyone and I hope that you have a great Halloween if I don't write before then! Ciao for now and à bientôt!!!!!!


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