Streets? We Ain't Got No Stinking Streets! (100 km)

Published: March 19th 2018
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The possibility of riding the highest paved road in Europe proved irresistible so most of us took a pass on today's nominal route (and its possibility of bagging 4 cols in one day) in favour of attacking the Col (and Cime) de la Bonette. With 7 km of backtracking to Jausiers as a warmup, we started the 23 km climb into the unknown. I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

We took the descent in stages so we could try and warm up occasionally: we were so cold that our shivering induced scary speed wobbles. Once the sun finally emerged and we lost some altitude, things got a lot more fun.

We ended up descending enough that we had a 9 km climb back up to Roure to end the day (a little longer for those who like me did not see the over-the-shoulder sign for the turnoff and consequently sailed past it. The signs indicating Nice was only 66 downhill kms away tempted a few, but no one succumbed). Still it could have been worse: fortunately, Barry's map had more detail than the one in our tour package or I would never have known D130 stopped a few kms short of actually intersecting with D2205.

Once in Roure I followed the road until it dead-ended by some starirs - it turns out Roure has no streets, only narrow pathways and staircases. I guess they don't have to worry about drive-by shootings that way.

And since the town had no other commercial establishments the hotel had us captive for dinner - a six-course gourmet meal that included pigeon and cost as much as the room.

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Photos: 14, Displayed: 14



He's hard to spot, but Barry's there.

And we're not even at the steep part yet.

Just walk your bike around it on the knife ridge. Then ride the 13-14% grade to the top

Rick didn't hang out on top so he's still relatively warm.

At one point I grudgingly had to brake for a motorcyclist ahead of me; the rider was an old fart.

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