France - snails, wine and pros

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July 12th 2005
Published: July 12th 2005
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Party night at the Chateau Party night at the Chateau Party night at the Chateau

In Bordeaux, France, party night was 'Tight and Bright'. Janine is our tour manager and Dan the bus driver.

Just a quick entry, the internet is hard to get onto at times and we don't have long today. We just arrived in Cannes, it is beautiful! Going for a quick swim soon before heading off to our hotel near Nice, then to Monaco to hit the casino tonight.

Spent the last two nights at a chateau in county France (can't remember the exact name!). The first night was party night, theme 'Bright and Tight', we had lots of fun with that. Second night turned into party night again, them 'Pimps and Pros', Amy and Amy went as pimps and Dana and I were their pros, along with another guy we dressed up in a skirt and makeup. Mum/dad, you might want to ignore this bit :-) We had low cut tops on, a condom sticking out the top and 'Suck for a buck' written on our chest and a love heart on our arm with 'Hot to Trot', as you can imagine it caused quite a stir, but was all good fun. And just in case you're wondering, no we did not accept any of the numerous offers and the condoms were returned their rightfull owner still
Eiffel towerEiffel towerEiffel tower

Fiona, Dana and Amy P at the Eiffel tower in Paris
packaged :-)

Haven't tried any frogs legs yet, but I did have snails, not so great really, but had to do it. At the chateau we had wine tasting from the local area, very yummy!

Gotta go, need to have a swim before the bus leaves, might see some stars wandering along the beach maybe.


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Eating snailsEating snails
Eating snails

Me eating snails in Paris. The look on my face says it all!

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