When it rains, it pours.

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Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire » Angers
July 10th 2007
Published: July 10th 2007
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Well, it seems like Angers does have something in common with Ft. Worth right now...rain. I always carry an umbrella because who knows when it will start. It was beautiful outside just about 10 minutes ago on my walk home from class...now it's gray. Classes are kicking my butt! We're in class for three hours straight in the mornings...have lunch, then have a two hour break before another two straight hours of class. Completely high-school style. It helps that I have the absolute greatest people from TCU here with me. I feel like we should be the cast of an MTV RealWorld series. We're all so different...but have so much fun together. Yesterday we all went to one of the museums in Angers to see the tapestries of the apocalypse. Pretty unbelievable. Then we were all invited to the municipal building for a welcome to Angers type deal with the mayor's rep. They let us taste wine made in Angers...it was delicious! So sweet...just the way I like it. After that, we all went to a Cuban bar to have a drink and talk. There are some really cool people here. I've made friends from Sri Lanka, Poland, Holland, Germany, Mexico, Venezuela, and many more! Right now I'm insanely sleep deprived...I'm definitely going to bed early tonight. I'm telling you, if I could never see a baguette again, that would be wonderful. I feel like all we eat is bread and cheese or apple juice. Okay I'm exaggerating...the food here is really good, and fresh! None of the prepackaged crap we have at home. Funnily enough, while eating more bread than ever...I have probably lost at least 10 pounds. Great diet, eh? Just start eating carbs like crazy...take away TV, your cell, prepackaged foods, and your car. You'd be French! I have to do more homework now...thrilling. Just keeping you updated on life in Angers! By the way, one of the girls here with me from TCU is going to write a comedic screenplay of our adventures here...I think it just might make it. We've had so many laughs...I will have six-pack abs by the end of this trip just from laughing so much. Okay, a bientot!

LOVE and miss you!



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