Day 10 Soulliac to Figeac 60 miles

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Europe » France » Midi-Pyrénées
May 20th 2014
Published: May 21st 2014
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D43,D23 to Cales, D673 to Rocamadour ,D32 to Couzou,D39 to Gramat,D14 to Reilhac,D25 to St Simon,D11 to Reyredignes,D2 to Figeac

A tough ride today especially first 18 miles to Rocamadour where we gained 1600ft in height.

Riding through a national park through gorges on very quiet roads with no hint of civilisation or animals giving the sensation of wilder terrain & more rugged landscape. Worth the effort ,what an amazing place buildings that cling to the sheer cliff sides .The perfectly preserved body of St Amadour was discovered in a rock covered tomb next to a small existing chapel in 1166, putting Rocamadour on the map as a destination for pilgrims.

The valley offered some great short technical cycling climbs & descents ideal for Sir Bradley ,Mark or other cycling purists but not me.

Climbing out of the valley the hedgerows were beautiful full of wild flowers with dry stone walls & occasional hedges. We heard the occasional tinkle of bells which indicated we were now in sheep country.

The rest of the cycle took place on a limestone plateau seeing (& smelling) lots of sheep. Talking of which we are now in the Lot department staying at Figeac on the river Cele.

Billy winks is coming early tonight shorter cycle tomorrow

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Photos: 18, Displayed: 18


21st May 2014

Wild flowers
Love the pics of wild flowers. I can almost smell them and hear the sheep bells from here! Hope the beautiful sights you are experiencing Help to make up for the huge effort. NB. I finally managed to become a follower! Xx
21st May 2014

Getting lost
Getting lost, big hills and Garmin struggled so how about you Sue? Challenging ride and challenging your marriage I should think! Well done
21st May 2014

Sue said that she is going to stay with me. Well, at least until we get back!
21st May 2014

Amazing how far you have both traveled ! Thoroughly enjoying blog and pics. Cahors already ,blimey. What an amazing thing to do , WELL BLOODY DONE, that's tough cycling !! Xxxx
21st May 2014
See white van man ,we cycled that !

White van man
Who said France was flat !!
21st May 2014

Sheep and wild flowers but no pictures of you mum. I think you are actually driving around in a car!!!
22nd May 2014

I wish !
22nd May 2014

No pictures of Mum
Can't be David Bailey & be in them,might see me next blog

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