Europa - Day 13

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Europe » France » Lower Normandy » Mont Saint-Michel
May 25th 2012
Published: May 25th 2012
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Day 13

Out of our B&B and off to Mont Saint-Michel. Well organized tourist site - big car park with Free bus transport to the island. And better still - no queues.

Just lots of steps up to the Abbey. Finally in and with our Audiologues we walk the abbey. Beautiful day (28 degrees) so the steps have got the sweat happening. In the Abbey it is much cooler. We sand outside and then the bells start to peel - Mass is about to start. 4 or 5 monks and 7 nuns start the mass with lots of singing - really impressive sounds - sorry Mike Mc, but they can really make the singing in this huge abbey sound fantastic....

The tour takes us through big halls, little rooms that are built to hold up walls and other very impressive feats of architecture and engineering (thought I would never say that)......

The tour leads itself back down the levels and to the stairs at the foot of the Abbey. Very well planned to move the crowds through this place. Back to the bus stop and a school group is getting their photo taken - chance for a photo bomb..... Then Chris offers to take shot with all teachers as well as students and photo bombers - good work, but near disaster with looking the wrong way for traffice again - bus coming and luckily she and others pass and heed warnings. All good and back to car for trip to the Loire valley.

Big motorway trip with major hiccup at toll booth - card not accepted - angry French driver behind us but enough hand signals and he backs away while a helpful attendant tells me I need a card from a French bank account - luckily she takes cash and off we go - through sirens but she waves that all is ok.......

To the castles tomorrow.


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