Week One and then Some

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Europe » France » Languedoc-Roussillon » Montpellier
September 14th 2007
Published: September 14th 2007
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Bruge Bruge Bruge

The Canals of Bruge

Whew - well, let me start things by apologizing for not writting sooner. It has been well over a week now and you all deserve an update. what better way to fill you in then by a quick recap of our gallavanting around France (and belguim).

After a long day of relatively peaceful traveling (no babies crying, no obnoxious seat mates, no bad turbulance, etc), we spent a few short hours in Dublin and thanked ourselves for deciding to move on.

Bypassed Brussels for Bruge, a quaintm but small tourist village that on the surface looks as though it has been perfectly preserved from the 1600's or so, on furhter inspection thanks to Lonely Planet reveals that much of the architechture is from the 19th and 20th century built in the style of the 16th and 17th century. Lots of chocolate, beer and dogs. Lots of canals. Only about a days worth of things to do, but good starting out point.

Train from Bruge to Dijon via Brussels and Paris. Dijon is beautiful. With the local mascot of the owl and free museaums, we learned that virtually everything shuts down on Sundays. Ah well, c'est la

my salad in Dijon.
vie. Instead of the usual cobble stone roads, or rather in addition to, there were wide roads with large smooth stones - an obvious indication of high class society. And yes, there is mustard for sale.

From Dijon we took a day trip to Beune (pronounced more or less bone) and did our first wine tasting - 16 wines from the burgundy region of france. Lovely. Realized that my knowledge and scope of wine is (was) fairly piss poor. Also, it's true: wine really is better in France. Different. Smoother.

Dijon to Lyon. Oops! Forgot about that pesky Rugby World Cup...oh, so that's why EVERY room is booked in the entire city. from the one or two hours spent there, it looks lovely, but not until after the world cup.

Lyon to Avignon. Provence. Avignon. Loved it. We arrived very early in the morning and it felt like we had the place to ourselves. the one time capital of the catholic church, there is a huge gothic palace surrounded by a beautiful and high rampart with sweeping views of the region. Speaking of sweeping, did I mention the wind? And the sun and heat? Very Dramatic. Oh
Fi's Food!Fi's Food!Fi's Food!

Essentially a huge portion of beef with cheese on top with frites. mmm...
and speaking of drama, Avignon happens to be the sort of non-parisian center of the performing arts in France. Every summer there is a huge theatre festival. One day, one day...

Avignon to Arles - home of Vincent Van Gogh and a weird mix of provencial france, ancient rome and spain with bull fighting in the local amphatheatre. Had the most delicious tarte aux pomme and of course I am learning the art of the true bagette. Non of this quick baked crap.

Now, we are in Montpellier for a couple of hours and then it is Barcelona and Spain for about 10 or so days.

Aside from Where I have been, I should probably mention that all of this feels wonderful. Even the mistakes, missed trains, and lost maps. Isn't that what it is all about, really?

Love you all!


Additional photos below
Photos: 18, Displayed: 18



I think I might have finally cracked the code to my camera so to speak...
Fi and I Fi and I
Fi and I

The Maket WallThe Maket Wall
The Maket Wall

Its covered entirely in living plants
Van GoghVan Gogh
Van Gogh

Do you recognize the cafe? maybe picture it at night...

and van gogh's garden...got to have one for the parents. :)

15th September 2007

Tres Fabu
Everything looks wonderful! What happened to the villa plan? Or is that later? I am so glad the camera is working. (These sentences are too short, I know) Anywoo- don't get mad BUT writing is spelled with one t. Missed trains, etc. are totally de rigour. Of course, now that you are moving into Spain missed trains esta muy importante por un vacacion bueno! I miss you, but am so excited to hear and see everything. Hasta Luego, xoxoxoxoxoxoox mom
16th September 2007

everything looks wonderful. and hey, you've got a bit of a tan going on missy! and that food is making me hungry it looks so good. miss you. hope the journey is going well.

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