Pissed off

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June 2nd 2005
Published: June 2nd 2005
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Yes, thats right...Im very angry right know. Well, I feel many emotions right know. I just missed my train to Stuttgart. It was one of those crazy close calls. I was probably 5 minutes late. I just ended up waking up late. I am kicking myself becase I took a shower and if I had not, I would have made it. I had some crazy problems with the metro that I have not had since coming here...stops being close, etc. I know you all must be saying: "Oh that sucks Dan. You have to spend another day in romantic Paris." Well, there is a lot more that goes into it than that. First off, I have had a romantic ride with Paris. But I am ready to go. I want a change to the German culture and the smiling faces of the Binders and the Ottos. I have had the best time in Paris and look forward to coming back with my family in a couple of weeks. But I am ready to leave. Johann was going to pick me up today at 530pm; but now I have to email him to change that and I hope he gets it in time. There is no train leaving Paris for Stuttgart again until 517pm because the French rail company is on strike today and only today. Of all days, the day I am traveling! Of all the nerve, those French rail workers. This also means that I will have to sleep in the Stuttgart train station tonight because the connection to Reutlingen does not leave until 703am. I am not really looking forward to that. This also means that Johann will have to get up at the butt crack of dawn to pick me up. I dont want to inconvenience my gracious and welcoming host. And selfishly speaking...I will be wasting time. I have to go to another train station because the one I was at did not have a baggage locker place and then go back. On top of that, the stinkin keyboard I am typing on is totally different than the ones back home. I cannot type regularly and efficiently. I have to use the peck method. The period and the comma are all switched around, the a, q, w, and z are switched around, I have no clue were the m went, and there is no aposterphe. Can I please get a freakin aposterphie????

All this to say a few things. First off, AAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! There, that felt good. Next, this proves my point that while traveling is sexy, it does come with a price. It is not all crepes and Eiffel towers. But most importantly, I serve God, not the other way around. He is in control and even though I act like it a lot of the time, I am not. On this trip, I have had some close calls with travel and my passport. I prayed that it would work out and it did. This time it did not. I mean, Ill get there tomorrow and things will be fine. But this did not go according to my plans. But that is not how God works. God is pressing upon my heart that His love is sufficient, despite my present circumstances. Does that sound familiar Valley Springs? I need to release my grip and allow God to complete His surgery in me. I am not in control, ultimately. I can micromanage things from a day to day stand point and I think God calls us to do some of that. But ultimately? we must relinquish our grip and allow God His control. Cuz He will take that control whether we allow it or not.

I am going to go get a crepe.


2nd June 2005

train trials
My dear, Well, God is certainly working on you and what a gift that is even when it doesn't feel that way now. Your words really spoke to me today - aimed directly at my heart. God is using your circumstances to speak to me and help me be able to say just what you did. Timing was excellent! God never wastes anything and often multiplies what is happening in one life for the benefit of other lives. Thanks, son. lovingly, Mom - Holly Benyousky
2nd June 2005

Favorite quote from the blog
"I have no clue were the m went" - Peter Hale
2nd June 2005

so sorry babe, that really stinks.... but as you said, God will use it for His glory. You are off to my favorite country I've never been to ;0) Ich leibe Deutchland. If you go to Berlin you'll have to tell me, so I can have you wave to Vandit records and Paul Van Dyk. Hang in there, and depending when you read this.. a bientot/ bis spater.
2nd June 2005

Oh Dan, How I love you!
You are SO amazing! The way you can write and capture the authentic feeling of the moment! How I laughed out loud with sheer joy at the freedom God has given you to tell the truth... thank you for sharing your life with us... what a precious gift! - michelle marshall
2nd June 2005

i hear ya
dude that sux....i've spent a night or two in some US airports...at least you're gonna be in Europe doing it! But, I know how you feel man and Amen on the perspective at the end...if I didn't know you better I'd think you were a pretty mature dude....jk dude...i know you are. Much Love and I'll pray for smoother sailing the rest of the way bro. Peace. - Kipsey
15th June 2005

twu twu...
translation for "true true"...I'm sorry man for all that...although I have to admit, because it's encouraging to hear that from a fellow Christian that, yes God is in control and that one doesn't need to feel in total control of their lives(ie, something that I have a problem with :) Anyway, talk to you laters!

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