The City of Light- Day 3

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September 19th 2006
Published: October 11th 2006
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We woke up for our last day in Paris, had a baguette in the hostel for breakfast (again simple but amazing) and we headed out to go to the Musee D'Orsay when it opened. The Musee D'Orsay is an art museum in Paris that picks up in the period the Louvre stops at. It has a lot of impressionism- Molly wanted to see the Monet, I wanted to see the Van Gogh. Although it was smaller, and not as famous, we both ended up liking this museum better than the Louvre. However, despite us being there before it opened, it got very busy, very quickly which kind of took away from it a little. The Van Gogh's were, of course, stunning. I also discovered that I love Degas' paintings as well. One of my favorite painting I saw the entire trip was 'Portrait of Louis-Marie Pilet, Violoncellist in the Orchestra of the Opera.' I made a mental note to look it up and find a poster to remind me of Paris, but it does not seem to be a very well known piece and I can't find one. It was one of those paintings I could look at for hours.
It was such a beautiful, sunny day that Molly and I decided to go sit in the Jardin de Luxemborg. We sat under some trees by a stream and just took it all in. Molly read a book, and I just had my ipod so I pulled that out and listened (I confess I even dozed a little, but what better place?). However, we had to catch our train to Rome and were a little ready to leave Paris so we picked up our backpacks and headed out. We got on our overnight train and slept on cuchettes. It essentially is a regular size train room that seats 6 people. However, by magic of folding panels, it turns into 6 beds that are sure to cramp even the smallest of travellers! It was all an experience though; and I was so tired it didn't bother me much. We ended up sharing a room with a girl from Morrocco and two people from N. Carolina. They were really interesting to talk to and made the time pass a little better until we arrived in Rome.

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11th October 2006

This is what I found
Sarah, I looked also for the portrait you mentioned. I found one titled Orchestra of the Opera House on the Degas website. I don't think this is the one but I couldn't find it either! Mary Ann
11th October 2006

Oil Reproduction of Your Painting
You can get an oil reproduction here: . It's a bit more than a poster, but maybe it's worth saving up!
24th October 2006

Gotta love Degas
Sarah, I'm so happy you discovered Degas, who is a favorite of mine. If you love Van Gogh, you'll have to get to Amsterdam! I was so surprised to learn that the pronounciation is Van Gokk! The Ann Frank house is a must...very moving. Love, Aunt Ronie

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