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August 24th 2006
Published: August 24th 2006
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Ricks Eurotrip

Arrived in Paris to a pretty warm evening. Customs and immigration were pretty lacklustre, so I didn't even get to have my passport stamoed. Customs was empty, so we just wandered out. We caught a train from the airport to the city and my first impressions were that Paris is a dump. It reminded me of when I had to catch the train through Collingwood to get to TAFE in Melbourne. We arrived at the hostel, and got to our private room with shower.... the shower was out of order. At least we had beds. There isn't a kitchen, just a microwave next to the computer i'm typing on. But it's a place to sleep, so we're not concerned.
We decided to goi out to a restaurant for a meal, and I got stuck into some duck which was really nice. Am keen to try snails before i go, just so that i can say i've had them.
Tried a couple of local beers which were suprisingly good seeing as France isn't known for its beer. Don't worry Dave, i'll let you know the name of them soon, i noted them down.
Today (Thursday) we decided to hit the major tourist areas, so we caught the metro to the Eiffel Tower. As we came up from the underground, it was raining. We took a couple of pics and decided to go back tomorrow. We headed for somewhere I saw on TV once instead, which was the catacombs of Paris. Its a maze of underground tunnels where millions of remains were dumped after a local cemetery became full of disease. It was pretty surreal, and i took some good photos.
I'm running out of internet time, so will continue the Paris blog when i get to Barcelona (internet will be free there). But just quickly, we also visited the Louvre (saw the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo), Notre Dame, and the Arc de Triomphe. Took some good pics, will go into more detail in a couple of days.
See you then,


25th August 2006

Aaron is enjoying your letters. Dad has had to get the globe down from the garage and has had to dust it off to show him where you are. He just can't comprehend just how far away you are. How are you getting on with the language in France. I heard that they don't speak much English there.

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